University News: Campus
From the „University Library in the Capital of Culture” to the “5D-Library”
University Library of Chemnitz University of Technology presents its strategy for development until the year 2030
Preparing for the Examinations in the University Library
Extended opening hours, opening on Sundays and additional reservable teamwork spaces in the University Library during the examination period from January 26 to March 8, 2025
“A Quarter of a Century of Read Capitals of Culture“
University Library of Chemnitz University of Technology opens special collection comprising around 750 books regarding European Capitals of Culture since 2000 on January 17, 2025 – Users are invited to contribute to the further decoration of the “Capitals of Culture shelves”
An Informative Place for Democracy
Let’s debate #TUCgether: The University Library of Chemnitz University of Technology engages in the initiative "Take Place for Democracy“ with a read & discuss corner
Open Letter from University Management to Launch the Campaign STAND TOGETHER #TUCgether
Chemnitz University of Technology Ranks Third Again in's Ranking of Germany's Most Popular Universities
Chemnitz University of Technology receives a "StudyCheck Award 2024" and the "Top University 2024" certificate thanks to the very positive evaluations from its students and alumni – Additionally, Chemnitz University of Technology is the top state university in the live "Digital Readiness" ranking
Preparing for the Examinations in the University Library
Extended opening hours, opening on Sundays and additional reservable teamwork spaces in the University Library during the examination period from February 4 to March 2, 2024
A Very Special New Research Building for Chemnitz University of Technology
Foundation stone laid for new Electron Microscopy Center, which will provide access to the latest technologies and methods of materials research, in the university's Erfenschlager Straße 73 campus
Chemnitz University of Technology Raises Rainbow Flags for Christopher Street Day
On the "Chemnitz Christopher Street Day 2023", Chemnitz University of Technology raises the rainbow flag on all its flagpoles, once again making a statement for tolerance, diversity, and openness to the world
"Pour one for others too!"
New water tank on the Reichenhainer Straße campus enables tree pit greening - anyone who would like to help with watering is welcome to get involved
Architecture Competition for the New Chemistry Building of Chemnitz University of Technology Decided
Design from the Dresden architectural firm Code Unique Architekten GmbH convinced the jury - competition designs will be exhibited from July 6 to August 31, 2023, in the Chemnitz University Library
Chemnitz University Library celebrated its move-in together with 2,000 visitors
Jointly with its neighbors from Brühl and a varied program, Chemnitz University Library celebrated “1,000 days at the ‘Old Spinning Mill’” on June 28, 2023
TUCsommernacht in a Special Atmosphere
About 1,800 guests, including students from other cities, experienced a sociable evening with hot rhythms in the courtyard of the Böttcher-Bau of the university
Chemnitz University of Technology Invites You to TUCsommernacht
The 4th TUCsommernacht entices with dance music, cool beats, and good mood under the open sky on July 1, 2023
Third Common Room Opened at Chemnitz University of Technology
Requested in the TUCpanel student survey: Students can now also study and work in the new common room at the Wilhelm-Raabe-Straße 43 campus
Motivated and Committed to Becoming a Fairtrade University
A steering group has been formed at Chemnitz University of Technology that coordinates activities around fair trade on the way to becoming a Fairtrade University and beyond
Chemnitz University of Technology Scores Multiple Times in CHE Ranking 2023/2024
The University excels in the currently ranked subjects of Business Administration, Economics, Business Sciences, Business Administration and Engineering, and Business Information Systems
Chemnitz University of Technology Signs Charter of Diversity
Chemnitz University of Technology focuses on a scientific and working culture that enables equal opportunities for all members and affiliates of the university and supports them in developing their individual talents and potentials
Central Course Guidance Service at Chemnitz University of Technology Expands Its Guidance Services
In addition to individual guidance sessions, the service hotline and information on the Internet, the student advising team will in future also offer workshops in various formats and on-campus student advising
33rd Open Letter from the President regarding the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) from 14 February 2023