Central Course Guidance Service at Chemnitz University of Technology Expands Its Guidance Services
In addition to individual guidance sessions, the service hotline and information on the Internet, the student advising team will in future also offer workshops in various formats and on-campus student advising
The team of the Central Course Guidance Service (ZSB) at Chemnitz University of Technology includes (from left) ZSB Director Tobias Bauer, Juliane Siemer and Dr. Daniela Menzel. Photo/graphic: Jacob Müller
For many who are interested in studying at Chemnitz University of Technology, the Central Course Guidance Service (ZSB) is the first point of contact. Students are supported here in their search for the right course of study as well as with questions regarding application and enrollment. But also students who are already enrolled at Chemnitz University of Technology can contact the three-member ZSB team with their concerns. It includes the ZSB director Tobias Bauer, Juliane Siemer and Dr. Daniela Menzel, who is the contact person for students with disabilities.
Guidance workshops – in person or digitally
Since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, the content focus of many guidance sessions has changed. Now, after a long period of online studies, more questions are being asked about attending classes in person, structuring them, meeting individual standard study times, and dealing with examination issues. Therefore, the ZSB is offering two workshops. "Check-up nach der Pandemie – Orientieren und Aufholen im Studium" will take place on March 28, 2023 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. as an in-person workshop in the university's Straße der Nationen 62 campus, room 273 (new: A10.273) and on April 05, 2023 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. as an online workshop (BigBlueButton: on https://webroom.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de/gl/jul-h9x-x2w). "Students should choose for themselves which event format they feel more comfortable with - some appreciate the personal exchange, others like the anonymity of the Internet," explains Menzel. The workshops will mainly focus on time management, dealing with problematic study situations that arose during and after the Covid19 pandemic, and general study and exam organization. Registration is possible via email at studienberatung@tu-chemnitz.de as well as via the website. The workshops are held in German language.
On-campus student guidance – before or after lunch
In addition, the ZSB will launch its new concept "On-Campus Course Guidance" on April 12, 2023. On this day, as well as on June 21 and October 25, 2023, those seeking advice are invited to the Mensa, Reichenhainer Straße 55, from 11:00 to 13:45 each day. "We have an information booth in the refectory and are here to support the students of Chemnitz University of Technology with all questions about studying. Often these are questions that can be answered quickly and do not necessarily require a consultation appointment at the ZSB office," says Siemer. However, individual counseling appointments can also be made with the ZSB team at times independent of the “ On-Campus Course Guidance" dates and times.
Online portal lists guidance and support services
"However, a lot of useful information is also available on the Internet," says Bauer, referring to the website https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/studierendenservice/zsb/, which has been specially prepared for prospective and current students. Here you can find all study options, answers to frequently asked questions, a checklist for first-year students, an overview of deadlines, as well as all important contacts in this area in the “guidance and support services" file.
Further information is available from the Central Course Guidance Service at Chemnitz University of Technology, tel. 0371 531-55555, email studienberatung@tu-chemnitz.de, as well as from https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/studierendenservice/zsb/kontakt.php.
By the way: Students who themselves would like to advise prospective students on the phone or at education fairs can also find out about current job vacancies at the ZSB on site.
(Article: Mario Steinebach / Translation: Brent Benofsky)
Matthias Fejes