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Career Coach helps Internationals to Start Their Career

New program from the Career Service is especially aimed at international students and alumni

For more than ten years, the Career Service (tu-chemnitz.de/career-service/index.php?lang=en) has been supporting students and graduates of Chemnitz University of Technology in their entry into professional life with various information events, workshops, and company excursions. Now there is a new program, which is especially aimed at international students and alumni who would like to work in the Chemnitz region after graduation.

All international students and alumni of Chemnitz University of Technology who are looking for an internship, a thesis or a full-time job can apply for the project "Career Coach." As a prerequisite, all participants must prove that they have German language skills at level B1 or higher.

If you want to secure your place in the program, you should hurry. The number of places is limited to 25. André Claren will accept applications with CV, letter of motivation and language certificate.

Tailor-made support for internationals for integration into the regional labour market

"Chemnitz University of Technology is the most international university in Saxony. The foreign students bring a lot of know-how to the region and often want to work here after graduation. But German application standards are often a major hurdle for direct job entry," explains André Claren from Career Service. But the aim is to support international applicants in the application process and to integrate them into the regional job market as much as possible. "It is therefore extremely important for us that the attitude is right. Anyone who wants to take part in the project should be motivated and above all interested in working in the region around Chemnitz for at least a few years. Then we can take off together," says André Claren, summarizing the project's objectives.

With the help of individual coaching and workshops, participants are made fit for the start of their professional life. For example, the programme participants work together with experts to prepare their CV and cover letter in accordance with national requirements. Behaviour and appropriate clothing during job interviews are discussed in role-plays. The Career Service also provides support in the search for a suitable position.

This measure is co-financed with tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.

Further information is available from André Claren, Tel. +49 371 531-35587, E-Mail: andre.claren@zwt.tu-chemnitz.de

(Author: Maria Hauschild / Translation: Chelsea Burris)

Matthias Fejes

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