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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 



03.10.2021 Projects of the Professorship

Contribution of the WOT to the networking of the international scientific community
Call to all partners in the field of thermal spraying: As Guest Editors, Dr Rico Drehmann and Dr Thomas Grund invite you to submit original papers or reviews for a special MDPI issue "Advances in Metal-Based Thermal Spray Coatings".

23.09.2021 Projects of the Professorship

Quality assurance of thermally sprayed coatings through corrosion measurement with gel electrolytes
Development and testing of a measuring cell for rapid corrosion tests in the ZIM co-operation project "KorroGel"

26.08.2021 Personnel of the professorship

Successfully completed doctorate
On 30 July 2021, Johannes Näther successfully defended his dissertation entitled "The electrodeposition of iridium from hexabromoiridate complexes". The thesis was written as part of a cooperative doctoral programme between the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology and Mittweida University of Applied Sciences.

26.08.2021 Events of the Professorship

Doctoral seminar 2021 at the professorship WOT
The doctoral seminar, which takes place once a year at the Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering, has been supporting young scientists on their path to a doctorate for several years now. On 12 and 13 July 2021, 14 doctoral students took the opportunity to present the progress of their dissertation topic and then answer questions from their supervisor Prof. Thomas Lampke, invited peer reviewers and the interested audience.

26.08.2021 Personnel of the professorship

Long-standing employee retires
Elke Benedix, employed at Chemnitz University of Technology since 1999, retired on 1 June 2021. She began working at the Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering in 2008.

05.07.2021 Research at the professorship

WOT receives poster award during the DGM Composites Expert Days
More than 70 participants from science and industry exchanged ideas during the DGM's online "Expert Days on Composite Materials" on 29 and 30 June 2021. As part of this event, WOT employee Sarah Hirsch received the "Best Oral Poster Award" from an expert jury.

28.05.2021 Personnel of the professorship

Guest researcher strengthens WOT team
Since the beginning of April, we have been welcoming a guest scientist. Mehri Hashemzadeh is doing her doctorate at the Isfahan University of Technology on the influence of titanium-based electrolyte additives in the plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) of aluminium. With a scholarship from her home country Iran, she is now spending six months as a visiting researcher at the WOT professorship.

12.04.2021 Personnel of the professorship

Successfully completed doctorate
On 30 March 2021, Martin Löbel successfully defended his dissertation entitled "Influence of the structure and manufacturing route on the tribological behaviour of thermally sprayed high-entropy alloys".

29.03.2021 22nd Materials Technology Colloquium online-live

WTK 2021 also successful in digital form
The 22nd Materials Technology Colloquium (WTK), which was held as a live online event on 24 March 2021, was also able to shine in digital form with interesting scientific contributions. The highlights of the two-day event with a total of 28 specialist presentations on materials and surface technology as well as materials science were the plenary lectures on the topic of Industry 4.0.

29.03.2021 Equipment of the professorship

Expansion of the WOT equipment - New X-ray fluorescence spectrometer put into operation
The new acquisition of the "M4 TORNADO" X-ray fluorescence spectrometer from Bruker at the professorship expands the research possibilities through fast and non-destructive X-ray fluorescence analyses of solids, layers, particles and liquids from elements with the atomic number 11 (sodium).