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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Students and Pupils


Good teaching leads to knowledge gain. The common striving for this unites teachers and students. In line with the guiding principles of Chemnitz University of Technology, we therefore strive to impart well-founded specialist knowledge and methodological skills in our courses at the same time at the current international level. We clarify the reference to later professional practice for students in internships and exemplarily by means of current research results from our institute. I myself and the lecturers in my team work continuously to make the teaching content well-founded and understandable in a motivating and didactically appealing way. To this end, we specify clear learning objectives and encourage self-study through seminar-based events. Compliance with this mission statement and the continuous improvement of teaching are ensured by evaluating each series of courses.

–  Prof. T. Lampke  –

Study programmes
Student work
