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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 



19.03.2024 Projects of the Professorship

Specialist discussion in the production process at Vitesco Technologies
As part of the REDUCE project, employees from the Human-Cyber-Physical Systems (HCPS) department took part in a specialist discussion in the production halls of Vitesco Technologies (VT) in Limbach-Oberfrohna on 27 February 2024. The BMBF-funded joint project REDUCE (Resource Efficiency Derived from User Centered Engineering in Industrial Production) aims to significantly reduce resource consumption in industrial production through human-centred digitalisation measures and a transdisciplinary approach.

14.03.2024 Equipment of the professorship

WOT takes the next step in the development of metal powders
The new powder atomisation plant at the Chair makes it possible to adapt powder materials to specific applications, customer requirements and manufacturing process profiles. And, of course, the new plant will significantly expand our profile in basic research. Due to their versatile properties and processing options, metal powders have a wide range of technical applications, from the automotive to the electronics industry.

11.03.2024 People of the professorship

WOT scientist reports at the renowned TSS Open Mic Series of the American Society for Metals
The online conference "TSS Thermal Spray Open Mic Series" provides a platform for students and aspiring professionals in the thermal spray industry to meet established experts, leaders and innovators in the field face-to-face. The aim of the series is to promote international knowledge exchange, facilitate discussions on professional development and provide information on the latest advances, techniques and challenges in thermal spray technology.

26.02.2024 Co-operations of the professorship

"Memorandum of Understanding" between Chemnitz University of Technology and the BMW Group Plant Leipzig
Prof. Dr Thomas Lampke, Head of the WOT professorship, and Thomas Priemuth, Head of Production Systems at the BMW Group plant in Leipzig, have been developing the framework conditions for the content and formal cooperation between the TUC and the BMW plant in Leipzig for some time in order to consolidate the diverse bilateral relationships between professorships at the TU and the BMW plant and make them fit for the future. Now Petra Peterhänsel, Plant Manager of the BMW Group plant in Leipzig, and Prof. Dr Gerd Strohmeier, Rector of the TUC, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 22 February 2024.

05.02.2024 Teaching at the professorship

Successful combined teaching and learning concept of the WOT professorship celebrates its 5th anniversary
As part of the "Metallic Materials" course for students on the primary school teaching degree programme, a practical course for primary school classes has been taking place for five years now. The speciality here is that the student teachers plan and carry out the practical course themselves. This creates a completely new space for initial practical experience in the fields of materials and mechanical engineering - for both the students and the primary school pupils.

01.02.2024 Co-operations of the professorship

Invitation to the Freiberg WWK seminar
On 29 January 2024, Prof. Lampke was invited by the Institute of Materials Engineering IWT at TU Bergakademie Freiberg to give a lecture on the topic of "Cold-hardenable iron-based coating materials". The WOT took the opportunity to visit the Chair of Materials Engineering headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Horst Biermann, to advance a joint research project.

24.01.2024 Teaching at the professorship

Excursion to the company Winning Plastics & SMK GmbH
On 16 January 2024, students had the opportunity to visit Winning Plastics - SMK GmbH as part of the WOT lecture "Electrochemical Coating".

24.01.2024 Events of the Professorship

Second student excursion to the Fraunhofer Centre for High-Temperature Lightweight Construction HTL Bayreuth
After a successful first event in December and due to high demand from students, the second event on the topic of "Production of ceramic matrix composites" took place on 11 January 2024. Ten students and two members of staff from the Chair of Materials and Surface Technology at Chemnitz University of Technology took the opportunity to meet the team from the Fraunhofer Centre for High Temperature Lightweight Construction HTL in Bayreuth in person.

08.01.2024 Personnel of the professorship

Successfully completed doctorate
On 19 December 2023, Daniel Metzner, M.Sc., received his doctorate in engineering from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology. The examinations included the viva voce and a presentation with defence. His dissertation is entitled "Laser microstructuring of high-alloy steel - basic investigations into the use of high-frequency pulse sequences of ultra-short laser pulses".

08.01.2024 Personnel of the professorship

Successfully completed doctorate
On 24 November 2023, Marius Schwarz, M.Sc., received his doctorate in engineering from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology. The examinations included the viva voce and a presentation with defence. His dissertation is entitled "Strategies for quality assurance using optical coherence tomography in laser beam welding of thin copper and aluminium sheets".