A total of three internships are required as part of the PRF degree program. Of these, two internships must be completed during the Bachelor's program and another during the Master's program. On the basis of practical work in various prevention, fitness, and rehabilitation facilities, the students should implement their acquired health-related competencies in professional field-oriented practice. Content-related, methodological, and organizational experience will be acquired by guiding and supervising a wide variety of target groups with different indications. The knowledge acquired during the program is applied by solving problems independently in professional practice.
Students are free to choose the internship facilities. It is strongly recommended to clarify the choice of the internship facility with the respective contact person before starting the internship. Information on current openings is provided by the Student Representatives of the Institute of Human Movement Science and Health, the online job portal of the TU Chemnitz, and the mailing list Sports Jobs. All necessary documents for the internship (internship agreement and confirmation) can be downloaded here. The internship agreement must be submitted to the responsible contact person before the start of the internship.
Internships in the Bachelor's degree program Prevention, Rehabilitation and Fitness Sports
Module: VM 1 Theory and practice of fitness sports
Duration: 4 weeks (consecutively or throughout the semester)
Examination: Internship report (approx. 10 pages)
As the first internship, the prevention and fitness internship halfway through the Bachelor's degree program in PRF provides an insight into job-related sports practice. Initially with healthy subjects and sports groups, practical sports experience gained in the first semesters should be implemented in prevention and fitness sports facilities with different age and target groups. Gaining practical experience in prevention and fitness sports is also part of DVGS training and can be credited towards the acquisition of various licenses. A successful internship and internship report are still prerequisites for admission to the module examination.
The following design guidelines should be used for the internship report: Design guidelines for the prevention and fitness internship report
Contact person for the prevention and fitness sports internship

Phone:+49 371 531-35322
Address:Thüringer Weg 11, 09126 Chemnitz
Module: MBA Bachelor thesis
Duration: 5 weeks (consecutively or throughout the semester)
Examination: Internship report (approx. 10 pages)
The second internship is planned for the end of the PRF Bachelor's program. It is strongly recommended to have an emphasis on rehabilitation sports for the content focus of the internship. Suitable facilities can be found in the following overview of rehabilitation facilities in Saxony. Target group and disease-specific knowledge acquired in the specialization modules of the study program should be applied and expanded. Practical experience in different rehabilitation sectors is another component of DVGS training and at the same time is a prerequisite for the acquisition of specific licenses. A successful internship and internship report are prerequisites for admission to the Bachelor thesis.
The internship reports are to be submitted in paper form, simply stapled and not in an extra folder or bound.
The following design guidelines should be used for the internship report: Design guidelines for the rehabilitation internship report
Contact person for the rehabilitation sports internship

Phone:+49 371 531-37326
Address:Thüringer Weg 11, 09126 Chemnitz
Internships in the Master's program Human Movement and Exercise Sciences in Prevention and Rehabilitation
Module: A2 Clinical Internship
Duration: 4 weeks (consecutively)
Examination: Description of activities and duties during the internship (approx. 5 to 6 pages)
The internship in the Master's program Human Movement and Exercise Sciences with focus A can be carried out in inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation clinics or health centers. It is strongly recommended to check with the contact person for the clinical internship to make sure the chosen institution is suitable for this internship. After expanding your knowledge, especially in neurology and medical training therapy (MTT), we recommend selecting an internship position in the field of rehabilitation sports with a duration of 8 weeks. The internship duration can be credited to DVGS training and forms an additional prerequisite for acquiring subject-specific licenses.
The internship reports are to be submitted in paper form, simply stapled and not in an extra folder or bound.
The following design guidelines should be used for the internship report: Design guidelines for the clinical internship report
Contact person for the clinical internship

Phone:+49 371 531-37326
Address:Thüringer Weg 11, 09126 Chemnitz
Module: B2 Internship
Duration: 4 weeks (consecutively)
Examination: Description of activities and duties during the internship (approx. 5 to 6 pages)
The internship in the Master's degree program in Human Movement and Exercise Sciences with focus B should take place in an institution of the student's choice. The contents and activities within the internship should correspond to the study focus on health management and health promotion.
The following design guidelines should be used for the internship report: Design guidelines for the internship report with the focus on health management and health promotion
Contact person for the internship with focus B

Phone:+49 371 531-32936
Address:Thüringer Weg 11, 09126 Chemnitz
Internship in the Master’s program Human Movement Science
Module: PM 4.2
Content: The module includes current issues in biomechanics with an increased practical focus.
Qualification goals: The goal of the internship is to gain practical experience in working on scientific problems in the field of exercise science. The internship can either be carried out at the professorship responsible for the module or, by arrangement, in a comparable environment.
Examination: 15 min. presentation covering defined contents of the internship
The internship in the Master's program HMS takes place over a larger period of time before the master's thesis. A successful internship and a passed internship report are prerequisites for admission to the Master’s thesis.
For more information, please contact:

Professorship of Human Locomotion
Phone:+49 371 531-38823
Address:Reichenhainer Straße 31/33, 09126 Chemnitz