2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003
Year 2016
Assim,K.; Jeschke,J.; Jakob,A.; Dhakal,D.; Melzer,M.; Georgi,C.; Schulz,S.E.; Gessner,T.; Lang,H.: Manganese half-sandwich complexes as metal-organic chemical vapor deposition precursors for manganese-based thin films. Thin Solid Films, 619, 30 (2016) pp 265-272 |
Assim,K.; Melzer,M.; Korb,M.; Rueffer,T.; Jakob,A.; Noll,J.; Georgi,C.; Schulz,S.E.; Lang,H.: Bis(beta-diketonato)-and allyl-(beta-diketonato)-palladium(II) complexes: synthesis, characterization and MOCVD application. RSC Advances , 6, 104 (2016) pp 102557-102569 |
Blaudeck,T.; Rodriguez,Raul D.; Kalbacova,Jana; Mehta,Ninad; Hermann,S.; Sheremet,Evgeniya; Schulze,Steffen; Adner,David; Hietschold,Michael; Zahn,Dietrich R.T.; Lang,Heinrich; Schulz,S.E.: Nanomorphology of CNT Bundles Upon Wafer-Level Fabrication of CNT-FETs. 17th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes and Low-Dimensional Materials (NT16), Wien, 7.-13. August 2016 p B27 |
Boettger,S.; Hermann,S.; Schulz,S.E.; Gessner,T.: Length separation of single-walled carbon nanotubes and its impact on structural and electrical properties of wafer-level fabricated carbon nanotube-field-effect transistors. Nanotechnology, 27 (2016) p 435203 |
Boettger,S.; Schulz,S.E.; Hermann,S.: Chain-less CNT-FETs for a competitive wafer-level sensor technology. NT2016, Vienna, 2016 Aug 7-13; Conference Proceedings, p 48 |
Boettger,S.; Schulz,S.E.; Hermann,S.: Exploitation of giant piezoresistivity – CNT sensors fabricated with a wafer-level technology. EUROSENSORS, Budapest, 2016 Sep 4-7 |
Bonitz,J.; Boettger,S.; Hermann,S.; Hartmann,S.; Schulz,S.E.; Wunderle,B.; Gessner,T.: Wafer-level technology for integration of carbon nanotubes into micro-electro-mechanical systems. Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS), Matsushima Bay and Sendai MEMS City, Japan, 17-20 April, 2016, 17-20 April 2016; Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS), 2016 IEEE 11th Annual International Conference on (ISBN 978-1-5090-1947-2 ) |
Clemente,I.; Koehler,N.; Miakonkikh,A.; Zimmermann,S.; Schulz,S.E.; Rudenko,K.: CF3Br plasma cryo etching of low-k porous dielectric. 3rd International School and Conference on Optoelectronics, Photonics, Engineering and Nanostructures (Saint Petersburg OPEN 2016), St Petersburg (Russia), 2016 28–30 Mar; Journal of Physics: Conference Series 741 (2016) 012204 |
Dhakal,D.; Assim,K.; Lang,H.; Bruener,P.; Grehl,T.; Georgi,C.; Waechtler,T.; Ecke,R.; Schulz,S.E.; Gessner,T.: Atomic layer deposition of ultrathin Cu2O and subsequent reduction to Cu studied by in situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 34, 1 (2016) pp 01A111 1-12 |
Dinh,Nghia Trong; Sowade,Enrico; Blaudeck,T.; Hermann,S.; Rodriguez,Raul D.; Zahn,Dietrich R.T.; Schulz,S.E.; Baumann,R.R.; Kanoun,Olfa: High-resolution inkjet printing of conductive carbon nanotube twin lines utilizing evaporation-driven self-assembly. Carbon, 96 (2016) pp 382-393 (ISSN 0008-6223) |
Franz,M.; Ecke,R.; Kaufmann,C.; Krause,S.; Kriz,J.; Schulz,S.E.: Characterisation of the barrier formation process of self-forming barriers with CuMn, CuTi and CuZr alloys. MAM/IITC, Grenoble, 2015 Mar; Microelectronic Engineering, 156 (2016) pp 65-69 |
Georgi,C.; Melzer,M.; Dhakal,D.; Assim,K.; Lang,H.; Ecke,R.; Schulz,S.E.; Gessner,T.: Thermal ALD of metallic copper on cobalt for advanced interconnects. ALD 2016, Dublin, 2016 July 25-27 |
Gessner,T.; Hofmann,L.; Wang,W.-S.; Baum,M.; Seifert,T.; Wiemer,M.; Schulz,S.E.: 3D integration technologies for MEMS (invited talk). International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT), Hang Zhou (China), 2016 Oct 25-28; IEEE Proceedings, pp 334-337 |
Hartmann,M.; Schubel,R.; Toader,M.; Jordan,R.; Schulz,S.E.; Hermann,S.: In-situ polymerization of carbon nanotube based field-effect transistors. NT16, Wien, 2016 Aug 7-13 |
Hartmann,Steffen; Sturm,Heinz; Blaudeck,T.; Hoelck,Ole; Hermann,S.; Schulz,S.E.; Gessner,T.; Wunderle,B.: Experimental and computational studies on the role of surface functional groups in the mechanical behavior of interfaces between single-walled carbon nanotubes and metals. Journal of Materials Science, 2016, 51 (3) (2016) pp 1217-1233 (ISBN 1573-4803; 0022-2461) |
Hermann,S.; Boettger,S.; Schulz,S.E.; Hartmann,S.; Wunderle,B.; Voigt,S.; Mehner,J.: Piezoresistive carbon nanotubes for condition monitoring and reliability considerations. NANOFIM - Nanotechnology for Instrumentation and Measurement Workshop, Chemnitz, 2016 Sep 8-9 |
Hermann,S.; Claus,M.; Schulz,S.E.; Schroeter,M: Modeling and Technology Platform for Analog High Frequency Carbon Nanotube Transistors. Nano Science and Technology, 6th Annual World Congress, Singapore, 2016 Oct 26-28 |
Hermann,S.; Claus,M.; Schulz,S.E.; Schroeter,M.: Wafer-level technology platform for manufacturing of high performance CNT devices in electronics and sensors. 17th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes and Low-Dimensional Materials (NT16), Wien, 7.-13. August |
Hermann,S.; Claus,M.; Schulz,S.E.; Schroeter,M.: Modeling and Technology Platform for Analog High Frequency Carbon Nanotube Transistors. NANOFIM - Nanotechnology for Instrumentation and Measurement Workshop, Chemnitz, 2016 Sep 8-9 |
Hermann,S.; Claus,M.; Schulz,S.E.; Schroeter,M.: Modeling and Technology Platform for Analog High Frequency Carbon Nanotube Transistors. 29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, Kyoto, 2016 Nov 8-11 |
Hofmann,L.; Baum,M.; N.K.Devadass; Schubert,I.; Kuechler,M.; Ecke,R.; Wiemer,M.; Schulz,S.E.; Gessner,T.: 3D-Wafer Level Packaging For Mems By Using A Via Middle Approach Based On Copper Through Silicon Vias Combined With Copper Thermo-Compression Bonding. International Wafer-Level-Packaging Conference (IWLPC), San Jose, 18.-20.10.; SMTA Proceedings |
Hofmann,L.; Fischer,T.; Werner,T.; Selbmann,F.; Rennau,M.; Ecke,R.; Schulz,S.E.; Gessner,T.: Study on TSV isolation liners for a Via Last approach with the use in 3D-WLP for MEMS. Microsystem Technologies, 22, 7 (2016) p 1665–1677 |
Hu,X.; Schuster,J.; Schulz,S.E.; Gessner,T.: Large-scale reactive dynamics simulations of Cu ALD using a newly developed ReaxFF potential. ALD 2016, Dublin, 2016 July 25-27 |
Jaeckel,L.; Schuster,J.; Schulz,S.E.: Modeling of precursor properties and first steps towards fluid dynamics simulations for TaN ALD. ALD 2016, Dublin (Ireland), 2016 July 25-27; Poster presentation |
Jafarpour,S.; Kini.M; Hermann,S.; Schulz,S.E.: Effects of bilayer Co-Mo catalyst configurations on CVD synthesis of semiconducting SWCNTs. MAM, Brussel(Belgium), 2016 Mar 20-23 |
Jafarpour,S.; Kini.M; Schulz,S.E.; Hermann,S.: Effect of different bilayer catalyst configurations on quality and electronic type selectivity of CVD grown SWCNTs. NT16, Vienna (Austria), 2016 Aug 7-13 |
Jeschke,J.; Moeckel,S.; Korb,M.; Rueffer,T.; Assim,K.; Melzer,M.; Herwig,G.; Georgi,C.; Schulz,S.E.; Lang,H.: Chemical vapor deposition of ruthenium-based layers by a single-source approach. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4 (2016) pp 2319--2328 |
Koehler,N.; Fischer,T.; Zimmermann,S.; Schulz,S.E.: A plasma assisted in situ restoration process for sidewall damaged ULK dielectrics. Microelectronic Engineering (ISSN 0167-9317) |
Matthes,P.; Almeida,M.; Ecke,R.; Schulz,S.E.: Multidimensional Magnetic Field Sensing Using GMR Sensors. International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers (MML), Uppsala (Schweden), 2016 Jun 19-23 |
Matthes,P.; Almeida,M.; Ecke,R.; Schulz,S.E.: Mehrdimensionale GMR/TMR Magnetfeldsensoren höchster Sensitivität sowie Sensoren für anwenderspezifische Feldbereiche. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme, Nürnberg (Deutschland), 2016 May 10-11; Vortrag |
Melzer,M.; Georgi,C.; Dhakal,D.; Bruener,P.; Grehl,T.; Assim,K.; Lang,H.; Ecke,R.; Schulz,S.E.; Gessner,T.: Atomic layer deposition of ultrathin closed copper films with a thickness below 3 nm. ALD 2016, Dublin, 2016 July 25-27 |
Rodriguez,Raul D.; Blaudeck,T.; Kalbacova,Jana; Sheremet,Evgeniya; Schulze,Steffen; Adner,David; Hermann,S.; Hietschold,Michael; Lang,Heinrich; Schulz,S.E.; Zahn,Dietrich R.T.: Metal nanoparticles reveal the organization of single-walled carbon nanotubes in bundles. RSC Advances, 6, 19 (2016) pp 15753-15758 |
Tittmann-Otto,J.; Hartmann,M.; Schulz,S.E.; Hermann,S.: Wafer-level manufacturing and optimization of CNT-based field-effect transistors. GMM: Mikro-Nano-Integration, Duisburg (Germany), 2016 Oct 05-06; Proceedings, 86 (2016) pp 95-98 (ISBN 978-3-8007-4278-3) |
Tittmann-Otto,J.; Hermann,S.; Kalbacova,J.; Hartmann,M.; Toader,M.; Rodriguez,R.D.; Schulz,S.E.; Zahn,D.R.T.; Gessner,T.: Effect of cleaning procedures on the electrical properties of carbon nanotube transistors — A statistical study. Journal of Applied Physics, 119 (2016) pp 124509-1 - 124509-8 |