University News: International
“Orient” and “occident” united in science
Selected students of Embedded Systems as well as Micro and Nano Systems traveled in December 2014 for an educational visit to the Tunisian Sfax
More diversity as an opportunity and enrichment
Regionally rooted, internationally networked: The number of foreign students and PhD students has risen again – Rector has signed the “Chemnitz Charter for Diversity“ on the 5th of February 2015
Teaching children in a primary school: A Cameroonian Experience
Jennifer Zschocke, Master student at the Department of English and American Studies, has lived in Cameroon for three months – she taught at a primary school and conducted research for her M.A. thesis
TU Chemnitz presents itself in Hawaii
Duc Anh Pham Thi, TUC graduate, treated in her Master’s thesis a topic which has been presented at the international conference HICSS in Hawaii
Celebrate like Chinese
On the occasion of the Chinese New Year the “Society of Chinese Students and Academics in Chemnitz“ invites to ”Chinese New Year in Germany“ on January 30, 2015 at 8 p.m.
Visitors from Senegal at TU Chemnitz
Two tutors and the academic director of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Senegal travelled to Germany and promoted academic exchange
For Mali at the UN
16 students represent Mali at the simulation of the United Nations in New York in March 2015 – Preparations include simulations in Hamburg, Erfurt and a cultural evening in Chemnitz
“Mathematics is an infinite puzzle“
Started as a Romanian exchange student, Dr. Sorin-Mihai Grad teaches and researches today at the Professorship for Applied Mathematics (Approximation theory) at TU Chemnitz
Create added value with knowledge
Rector Prof. Dr. Arnold van Zyl takes a positive view of recent developments and thanks all the members and partners of TU Chemnitz
New quintet for the winter term 2015/16
TU Chemnitz is extending its range of degree programs with one Bachelor and four new Master degree programs - Further information can be obtained during the Open Day on 15th January 2015
New at TU Chemnitz: Centre for Young Researchers
Umbrella organization is appointed to fulfill tasks around the promotion of young scientists more professionally and in a more demand-oriented manner
Learning German as a matter of mind, heart and opera
The South-African tenor Levy Sekgapane sings at the Chemnitz Opera House and learns German at TU Chemnitz at the Professorship of German as a Foreign/Second Language
The Science Calls
TU Chemnitz sets a signal for the promotion of young female scientists with the Eleonore-Dießner- and Marie-Pleißner-Prizes for outstanding final papers of the students
German Football attracts highly-qualified students
Since 3 years, Hassan Dayoub lives at Chemnitz and was current-ly awarded with the prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for outstanding performances
5.000 Dollar for international network projects
International network AC21 calls again for proposals within the competition “Special Project Fund”
When students and researchers become ambassadors
A network with promising perspectives: The “1st German-Arab Network Meeting” hosted by TU Chemnitz bridges between the Science Region Chemnitz and the Arab region
„High responsibility is one key to success“
Chinese professor visits Collaborative Research Center in Chemnitz for scientific exchange
A High Demand for Master Programs
Record number of enrollments at TU Chemnitz: For winter semester 2014/2015 3,148 new students have been enrolled – a high intake in Master’s degree programs and from abroad
“I’m from Germany - I am the Special one“
Jacinta S. Edusei, PhD student of the Professorship of English Language and Linguistics, taught at a summer school in Albania – here she tells about her experiences
A little bit of India in Chemnitz
At the weekend, nearly 600 visitors celebrated the Indian Festival of Lights ”Diwali“on Campus of TU Chemnitz