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Physics: Cognitive Systems
Physics: Cognitive Systems 

Group members

Portrait: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bendixen
Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bendixen
Head of the group

Portrait: Tobias Müller
Tobias Müller
Administrative Assistant
Office hours for student affairs: Mo-Fr 8-10 am & 1-2 pm

Portrait: M.Sc. Thomas Baumann
M.Sc. Thomas Baumann
Research Assistant / Lab Manager
Portrait: Dr. Nina Coy
Dr. Nina Coy
Postdoctoral Researcher
Portrait: M.Sc. Sascha Feder
M.Sc. Sascha Feder
PhD student
Portrait: M.Sc. Tina Frenzel
M.Sc. Tina Frenzel
Scientific assistant in joint project Ethiktool with PHKP
(currently on parental leave)
Portrait: Dr. Karl Kopiske
Dr. Karl Kopiske
Postdoctoral Researcher
Portrait: M.Sc. Carl Müller
M.Sc. Carl Müller
PhD student
Portrait: M.Sc. Christiane Neubert
M.Sc. Christiane Neubert
PhD student (currently on parental leave)
Portrait: M.Sc. Lara Sloan
M.Sc. Lara Sloan
Scientific assistant


Student members of the group

Portrait: Malin Pahl    B.Sc. Malin Pahl

   Research assistant
   Student in the Master degree program "Sensors and Cognitive Psychology", TU Chemnitz




Portrait: Hanna Strauß    B.Sc. Hanna Strauß

   Research assistant
   Student in the Master degree program "Sensors and Cognitive Psychology", TU Chemnitz