M.Sc. Christiane Neubert
Christiane Neubert
PhD student (currently on parental leave)
M.Sc. Sensors and Cognitive Psychology
B.Sc. Sensors and Cognitive Psychology
Phone: +49 371 531-21556 (for Student Advisory Service), -34014 (for other inquiries)
Room: Campus Reichenhainer Straße, Physikbau, C60.140
E-Mail: studienberatung_seko@… (for Student Advisory Service, Privacy notice),
christiane.neubert@… (for other inquiries)
Academic service at TU Chemnitz
- 09/2020-05/2021 and since 10/2022: Student Advisor for the study programs "Sensors and Cognitive Psychology" (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
- 04/2023-09/2023: Study Success Management for the Institute of Physics
Education and career path
- since 10/2019: PhD student in the Cognitive Systems Lab, Chemnitz University of Technology
- parental leave 06/2021 - 07/2022
- 2017-2019: Study program "Sensors and Cognitive Psychology" (M.Sc.) at Chemnitz University of Technology - Master thesis "Sound of Silence: Eine EEG-Studie zur Reaktion des auditiven Kortex auf fehlende Stimuli in Tonsequenzen"
- 2012-2017: Study program "Sensors and Cognitive Psychology" (B.Sc.) at Chemnitz University of Technology - Bachelor thesis "Einfluss visueller und auditiver Salienz auf die Bearbeitung von Alarmsignalen"
- 06/2012: Abitur at Gymnasium Olbernhau
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Einhäuser, W., Neubert, C. R., Grimm, S., & Bendixen, A. (2024). High visual salience of alert signals can lead to a counterintuitive increase of reaction times. Scientific Reports, 14, 8858. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-58953-4 [Open Access, Open Data]
Ivanova, M., Neubert, C. R., Schmied, J., & Bendixen, A. (2023). ERP evidence for Slavic and German word stress cue sensitivity in English. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1193822. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1193822 [Open Access, Open Data, also available as Preprint]
Neubert, C. R., Förstel, A. P., Debener, S., & Bendixen, A. (2021). Predictability-based source segregation and sensory deviance detection in auditory aging. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15, 734231. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2021.734231 [Open Access]
Conference contributions
Neubert, C. R., Einhäuser, W., Grimm, S., & Bendixen, A. (2018). Brighter is not always better: High salience can slow responses to warning signals. Talk held at the 60. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Marburg, Germany, March 11-14, 2018.
Reviewer Activity
for peer-refereed journals:
- Clinical Neurophysiology