The latest updates and daily information about the work of the junior professorship can be found on our Instagram channel @intercultural_praxis! There you will find information about new scientific publications, special teaching experiences and other activities of the junior professor.
Requests via Email: The Junior Professorship kindly asks that all requests sent to the professor with a file be named as follows. Examples: Name_Learning_Agreement, Name_Approval, Name_BA_Registration, Name_BA_Submission etc.
Upcoming Events:
Inaugural lecture by Junior Professor Dr. Yolanda López García on 23.01.2025
Junior Professorship Intercultural Practice with a Focus on Digital Cultures cordially invites you to the inaugural lecture by Junior Professor Dr. Yolanda López García on 23.01.2025 at 6 pm in room C10.113 (Orangerie, Reichenhainerstr. 90). She will speak on the topic “Imaginaries of Whitexicans: Exploring Coloniality in Postdigital Times”.
The organizing team would be pleased to receive feedback on participation by 19.01.2025 to
The IMISCOE Standing Committee on Methodological Approaches and Tools in Migration Research (Meth@Mig) and the Junior Professorship "Intercultural Praxis with a Focus on Digital Culture” at Chemnitz University of Technology are looking forward to the 4th annual Meth@Mig workshop "Between Data and Dialogue: Focusing on Participants in Migration Research". The keynote speaker is Tuba Bircan. The workshop will take place on April 3-4 2025 at the Chemnitz University of Technology in Germany. The workshop aims to explore innovative methodological approaches and promote meaningful discussions centered on participant perspectives in migration research. For more information, please visit the workshop website: Meth@Mig Workshop. The organizers are looking forward to a fruitful exchange of ideas in Chemnitz, the European Capital of Culture 2025.
New publications:
- Paz González, E. A. y Santarcieri, R. (Eds.). (2024). Dios ha leído tu Email: Investigaciones y microrrelatos sobre religión, creencias y mundo digital. SEMIR, RELOAD.
- López García, Y. (2024). Exploring the Interplay of Lifewide Learning, Migration, and Social Network Sites in the Postdigital Field of Action. In Conti, L., & Lenehan, F. (Eds.). Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies: Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities. Studies in Digital Interculturality. Bielefeld: transcript.
Activities and participation in events of the junior professorship in 2024:
- 12.12.2024: Carmen Pereyra and Yolanda López lectured about "Mujeres que no fueron tapa’: prácticas digitales para reimaginar la feminidad" at the IV Encuentro Latinoamericano de Antropología Digital. Online.
- 11.12.2024: The guest lecture "Decolonial Turn in Intercultural Communication: Mapping Theoretical Foundations and Praxes" by Prof. Dr Benachour Saidi (Mohamed First University, Morocco) took place as part of Yolanda López's lecture "Intercultural Communication and Competence". Chemnitz, Germany.
- 29.11.2024: The Junior Professorship was hosting the Ibero-American Network of Imaginaries and Representations (RIIR) "Conversatorio 2024: Imaginarios de la Migración" in collaboration with the Faculty of Sociology of the Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia. The event was held in Spanish and made public via live broadcast on the RIIR YouTube channel. More Information here.
- 24.-26.09.2024: Junior professor Yolanda López was invited as a keynote speaker at the EC2U Alliance conference „Multilingualism, Cultural Diversity and Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education“. Poitiers, France.
- 23.-25.09.2024: Carmen Pereyra, Research Associate at the Juniorprofessorship, joined the 4th Vienna Anthropology Days (#VANDA) at the University of Vienna. Carmen Pereyra shared the ongoing research she and Yolanda López are conducting on Latin American migrant women living in Germany, discussing aspects of digital anthropology, participatory research, and exploring themes in digital migration studies and postdigitality. Vienna, Austria.
- 18.09.2024: Participation in the Digital Anthropology Talk "Activism, Representation, and Digital Praxis" organized by the Red Latinoamericana de Antropología Digital, featuring an interdisciplinary and international group of panelists. The event explored social media practices from various perspectives, emphasizing the importance of a global-local lens in understanding the formation of digital communities, where activism and politics emerge as key elements to be interpreted within digital spaces. Yolanda López contributed to this discussion with her presentation on "Coloniality Practices in Postdigitality". The talk in Spanish language is available here.
- 04.-06.09.2024: Yolanda López held chair in Panel “Comparative Analysis of Logics, Practices, and Transfer Mechanisms in Migration Research” with colleagues from Germany, Italy, Mexico and Brazil. Conference “Bordering Society: Understanding and Reimagining Migration, Displacement and Diversity in an Age of Rapid Transformations”. University of Birmingham, England.
- 18.-21.08.2024: “Deconstructing the Social Construction of Categories and their Intersectionality – Examples on (De)Coloniality and Diversity from Mexico, Italy and Germany“ with Juniorprofessors Barbara Gross and Yolanda López. Participation in ISCHE 45 - Annual Conference (De)Coloniality and Diversity in the Histories of Education. Natal, Brazil.
- 08.-12.07.2024: Reconfiguración de Identidades Postdigitales: Explorando el fenómeno Whitexican en México [Reconfiguring post-digital identities: exploring the phenomenon of whitexicans in Mexico]. Yolanda López participates in the 10th International Congress for Anthropology AIBR „Inteligencia Antropológica“ [Anthropological Intelligence]. Madrid, Spain & online.
- 02.-05.07.2024: “Postdigital Migration Studies: Methodological Challenges, Ethical Reflections, and the Significance of Social Imaginaries”. Yolanda López participated in the 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference. Lisbon, Portugal & online.
- 25.-27.04.2024: Junior professor López participated in the Networking-Meeting of the IMISCOE-Standing Committee "Methodological Approaches and Tools in Migration Research (Meth@Mig)" as well as the Workshop "Strategien zur Teilnehmergewinnung und Stichprobenmethoden in der Migrationsforschung" [Strategies for participant recruitment and sampling methods in Migration Research] at GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften in Mannheim, Germany.
- 23.04.2024: Yolanda López spoke at the workshop "Erfolgreich Bewerben auf eine (Junior-)Professur in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften" [Successfully applying for a (junior) professorship in humanities and social sciences]. This workshop was held with Prof. Dr. Michael Hinz und Prof. Dr. Moritz Schumann. Chemnitz, Germany.
- 26.-28.03.2024: Junior professor López coordinated Strand 5, "Critical Intercultural Competence and Practice", in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Agostino Portera (University of Verona) and Dr. Mattia Baiutti (Fondazione Intercultura ets) at the conference "DEIB+ in Education to Transform Society". Additionally, Yolanda López presented "Reimagining Critical Intercultural Competence: Decolonial Perspectives on Interculturality". The conference was organized by Junior professor Barbara Gross and the International Association for Intercultural Education. Chemnitz, Germany.
- 04.-05.03.2024: Yolanda López participated in the Workshop "Towards Postmigrant Social Imaginaries" at FSU Jena. The Junior professor presented the topic "#Storytime! Imaginaries of Coloniality and Migration in Social Media". She also took part in the 33rd intercultural interdisciplinary colloquium for doctoral students, which was organized by the Hochschulverband für interkulturelle Studien e.V. (IKS) and the ReDICo project (Researching Digital Interculturality Co-operatively). Jena, Germany.
Past activities and participation in events of the junior professorship:
- Winter semester 2023/24: As part of Yolanda López lecture “Intercultural Communication and Competence”, the last block was dedicated to a practice-oriented approach. Prof. Dr. Maja Störmer from the International University (IU) gave an online lecture with the title “Intercultural Training: A Critical Look at Practice” in December 2023. In January 2024, the students took part in a “Virtual Escape Room” led by This was further accompanied by a session reflecting on this method in the field of intercultural learning.
- 12.12.2023: First online round table as part of the Standing Committee “Methodological Approaches and Tools in Migration Research” (Meth@Mig) of IMISCOE. The participants exchanged views on their research and gave insights into their work. Participants were: Barbara Jancewicz (University of Warsaw), Boyang Yin (University of Sheffield), Laila Omar (Princeton University), Tatiana Eremenko (University of Salamanca) and Yolanda López (Chemnitz University of Technology).