Junior Professor
Requests via Email: The Junior Professorship kindly asks that all requests sent to the professor with a file be named as follows. Examples: Name_Learning_Agreement, Name_Approval, Name_BA_Registration, Name_BA_Submission etc.
Research interests and areas of study
Migration Studies, Social Imaginaries (E-maginaries), (Post)digital Intercultural Practices, Critical Intercultural Communication, Intercultural Competence, Intercultural Training, Life Stories, Digital Anthropology, Netnographie, Regional Focus: Latin America
Monograph |
López García, Yolanda (2021). Imaginaries of Migration: Life Stories of Mexican Migrants in Germany. Bielefeld: Transcript. |
Book chapter |
Articles |
Review |
Newspaper article & opinion contribution |
Work Experience
Time period | Activity |
seit 16.12.2022 |
Chemnitz University of Technology Junior Professorship Intercultural Practice with a focus on digital cultures. Institute for German Studies and Intercultural Communication (IfGIK). Faculty of Humanities |
01.04.2021 – 30.09.2022 |
Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena European Campus of City-Universities (EC2U) Project between the partner universities Coimbra, Iasi, Jena, Pavia, Poitiers, Salamanca and Turku (EU project) (2021-2023).
01.10.2012 – 30.09.2022 |
Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena Research Assistant at the Department of Intercultural Business Communication (IWK)
12.04.2016 – 21.09.2017 |
Maternity and Parental Leave |
16.07.-30.09.2012 |
University of Education Karlsruhe Research Assistant in the Project - Teacher Education
01.07.2007 – 31.07.2008
Universidad de Guadalajara, Campus Lagos de Moreno, Mexico Assistant to the Rector with Focus on International Cooperation
01.10.2004 – 30.06.2007 |
Medios UDG, Radio Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico Organization and Production of Different Projects, including: |
01.01.2005 – 30.06.2007 |
Producer of the Radio Program "Contacto Internacional".
Producer of the Radio Program "La cuenta Regresiva".
01.10.2004 – 31.12.2005 |
Assistant to the Radio Director
01.10.2005 – 31.03.2006 |
Project Manager of Press and Public Relations for the campaign of the Federal Deputy Maria Esther Scherman, candidate for governor of the state of Jalisco, Mexico. |
Academic Experience
Time period | Activity |
10.2013-12.2020 |
Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena Department of Intercultural Business Communication (IWK), Institute for German as a Foreign and Second Language and Intercultural Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Promotion to Doctoral degree. DPhil. (magna cum laude) (10.12.2020) Topic: “Social Imaginaries of Migration: A Study in Example of Mexicans in Germany” Supervisors: Prof. Dr. J. Bolten und PD Dr. F. Lenehan |
10.2008 – 02.2011
University of Osnabrück M.A. „International Migration and Intercultural Relations“ (1,51) Topic:„Mexicanos en Murcia, España. La (Re)Construcción de Imaginarios” [Mexicans in Murcia, Spain. The (Re)Construction of Imaginaries] Supervisors: Prof. Dr. K. Schriewer und M. Wilmes, M.A. |
09.2000 – 04.2005
Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO), Mexico Bachelor of Arts „International Relations“ (9,3/10) Topic: „El Lugar de Brasil en el Mundo: ¿Un Nuevo Protagonista Internacional?”[ Brazil's Role in the World: A New International Player?] (with Meza Mejía, Sofía A.) Supervisor: Dr. Antonio López Mijares |
Semesters Abroad
Time period | Activity |
10.2009 – 02.2010 |
University of Murcia, Spain Courses in the Master's program "Society and Culture: Kinship, Migration, Development and Health".
01.2003 – 08.2003 |
University of Leipzig, Germany Courses in the Bachelor's program "Political and Cultural Studies, Eastern and Southeastern European Studies".
Time period | Activity |
12.12.2024 | Lecture "Mujeres que no fueron tapa’: prácticas digitales para reimaginar la feminidad" at the IV Encuentro Latinoamericano de Antropología Digital. With Carmen Pereyra. Online. |
24.09.2024 | Keynote at EC2U Alliance Conference „Multilingualism, Cultural Diversity and Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education“. Poitiers, France. 24.-26.09.2024. |
18.08.2024 | “Deconstructing the Social Construction of Categories and their Intersectionality – Examples on (De)Coloniality and Diversity from Mexico, Italy and Germany“ with Junior Professor Barbara Gross. ISCHE 45 - Annual Conference (De)Coloniality and Diversity in the Histories of Education. Natal, Brasil. 18.-21.08.2024. |
11.07.2024 | Reconfiguración de Identidades Postdigitales: Explorando el fenómeno Whitexican en México [Reconfiguring post-digital identities: exploring the phenomenon of whitexicans in Mexico]. 10th International Congress for Anthropology AIBR „Inteligencia Antropológica“ [Anthropological Intelligence]. Madrid, Spain & Online. 08.-12.07.2024. |
02.07.2024 | “Postdigital Migration Studies: Methodological Challenges, Ethical Reflections, and the Significance of Social Imaginaries”. 21. IMISCOE Annual Conference. Lisbon, Portugal & Online. 02.-05.07.2024. |
04.03.2024 | "#Storytime! Imaginaries of Coloniality and Migrationin Social Media". International Seminar "Towards Postmigrant Social Imaginaries: Transatlantic Perspectives on Intercultural Negociations of Racism, Discrimination and Diversity in Canada and Europe". Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 04.03.2024. |
08.08.2023 | "Repensar la (Inter)Culturalidad en Tiempos (Pos)Digitales: Esbozos para una interculturalidad Posdigital." [(Rethinking) Interculturality in (Post)Digital Times: Outlines for a Postdigital Interculturality]. 9th International Congress of Anthropology AIBR "El desafío intercultural. Diálogo y Diversidad" [The intercultural challenge. Dialogue and diversity], Mexico City & Online. 08-11.08.2023. |
07.07.2023 | "Exploring Whitexicans' Narratives of Europeanness in the Postdigital Field of Action". Online Konferez “Cosmopolitanism in a Postdigital, Postmigrant Europe, and Beyond”. Online, 26.06 – 07.07.2023. ReDICo Projekt |
05.07.2023 | "Sororidad Postdigital. An Insight into the Postdigital Practices of Migrant Women on Facebook". 20. IMISCOE Annual Conference „Migration and Inequalities". Warsaw & Online. 03.-06.07.2023 |
31.03.2023 | "Migrant researchers researching migration: Critical reflection toward the bias of studying the mobility of people sharing similar characteristics of origin". Workshop organised by the IMISCOE Standing Committee "Methodological approaches and tools in migration research (Meth@Mig)" and the Institute for Advanced Social Studies. Cordoba, Spain, 30-31.03.2023. |
21.02.2023 | "Perspectives on culture and interculturality and their role in international relations: A glance from Europe" in the framework of the course "Regional Studies: Europe" of the International Relations Bachelor's degree. ITESO Jesuit University of Guadalajara, Mexico. |
16.12.2022 |
“Entre Whitexicans y Prietos te veas”: De como las dicotomías sociales y racializadas se reconfiguran en el contexto digital. [„Entre Whitexicans y Prietos te veas": How social and racial dichotomies are reconfigured in the digital context”]. II Encuentro Latinoamericano de Antropología Digital: Expandiendo Futuros. Red Latinoamericana de Antropología Digital. Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago sowie Hybrid Format. 14.-16.12.2022. |
23.11.2022 |
“Approaching culture and interculturality from the perspective of social imaginaries” Online-Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Master-Seminars „Intercultural Analysis”. Université de Poitiers, Frankreich. |
18.08.2022 |
Narrativas sobre la colonialidad en un contexto posdigital: Dicotomías entre “whitexicans” y “prietos”. [Narratives about coloniality in a postdigital context: dichotomies between “whitexicans” and “prietos”.]. Grupo de Trabajo 28 Racismo, Discriminación y Segregación Social. XXXIII Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología. Hybride Tagung-Mexiko. Online-Beteiligung. |
16.08.2022 |
Imaginarios sobre la (in)seguridad en el contexto de la movilidad de personas mexicanas a Alemania. [Imaginary (In)Security in the Context of Mexican Mobility to Germany]. Arbeitsgruppe 22 Migration, Flucht und andere Mobilität. XXXIII Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología. Hybride Tagung-Mexiko. Online-Beteiligung. |
01.07.2022 |
“Rethinking Interrelations between Lifewide Learning, Migration and the Postdigital Everyday Life”. Lifewide Learning. Transformations and New Connections in Postdigital Societies. Dornburg. Researching Digital Interculturality Co-operatively (ReDICo) 29.-01.07.2022. |
30.05.2022 |
“Digital Life Stories: Advantages and Disadvantages of Exploring Lives Through Internet-mediated Interviews”. IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network) Workshop “Digitization of Migration Research Methods: Promises and Pitfalls”. Warsaw, Poland, 30.05.2022. |
23.11.2021 |
“Retos y estrategias de mujeres mexicanas en Alemania: entre la descalificación, la desclasificación y la ilusión del estilo de vida alemán” [Challenges and Strategies of Mexican Women in Germany: Between Dequalification, Declassification and the Illusion of the German Lifestyle]. Plataforma de Diálogo: “Fronteras, migraciones y crisis: Miradas desde América Latina y Europa”. 22.-24.11.2021 |
10.2021 |
“E-maginarios: Repensar los imaginarios sociales en el contexto digital”[ E-maginaries: rethinking social imaginaries in the digital context ]. III Workshop Internacional (virtual): Investigación en Imaginarios y Representaciones. 25-29.10.2021. Universidad Autonóma Metropolitana, Mexico. |
09.07.2021 |
“The Role of Lifestyle in Mexican Migration: Can Mexican Migration be defined as Lifestyle Migration?” The Migration Conference. ONLINE, hosted by Ming Ai (London) Institute and International British Business School, United Kingdom.06-10.07.2021. |
25.06.2021 |
“Re-thinking Identity in Migration: Culture Between Hybridization, Essentialism and Exoticism”.Cultural Identities in a Global World: Reframing Cultural Hybridity. International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC). Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany. 23-25.06.2021. |
03.06.2021 |
“El humor como herramienta crítica a la colonialidad: El caso de los Whitexicans en TikTok” [“Humor as a Critical Tool of Coloniality: The Case of the Whitexicans on TikTok"].Jornadas Socioantropológicas. Estudios críticos sobre TikTok. Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México 2-4.06.2021. (Cancelled due to illness). |
05.10.2020 |
“Crisis identitaria de mujeres profesionistas mexicanas en Alemania: Sus Retos y Estrategias entre la Descualificación y Desclasificación, y la Ilusión del Estilo de Vida Alemán”[ Identity Crisis of Mexican Professional Women in Germany: Their Challenges and Strategies between Dequalification and Declassification, and the Illusion of the German Lifestyle]. Plataforma de Diálogo “¿Crisis Migratorias en el siglo XXI?: Diálogos entre América Latina y Europa“. Maria Sibylla Merian Center CALAS. Zoom. |
22.09.2020 |
“Abordar la cultura y la interculturalidad desde la perspectiva de los imaginarios sociales” [Approaching culture and interculturality from the perspective of the social imaginary]. I Seminario Internacional y III Seminario Colombiano sobre Imaginarios y Representaciones. Zoom. 21-25.09.2020. |
17.10.2019 |
“Imaginarios sobre racismo, clasismo y discriminación en torno a dos fenómenos: migrantes mexicanos en Europa y Yalitza Aparicio“ [The Imaginaries on Racism, Classism and Discrimination under Consideration of Two Phenomena: Mexican Migrants in Europe and Yalitza Aparicio]. Plataforma de Diálogo „Nuevos discursos de odio y sus contradiscursos en América Latina“. Sede Regional Merian CALAS Cono Sur, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 15-17.10.2019. |
19.07.2018 |
“-Soy Mexicano pero he cambiado-. Entre culturalización e interculturalidad. El caso de migrantes mexicanos en Europa“. [-I am Mexican but I have changed - Between Culturalization and Interculturality. The case of Mexican migrants in Europe]. 56. Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Salamanca, Spain. 15-20.07.2018. |
03.07.2014 |
“Re-imaginando la Migración” [Migrationneudenken]. III Seminario Internacional sobre Imaginarios Sociales. Universidad de Vigo, Ourense, Spain. 3-4.07.2014. |
20.06.2013 |
“La reconfiguración de imaginarios sociales en la migración" [The Reconfiguration of Social Imaginaries in migration]. II Seminario Internacional sobre Imaginarios Sociales. Universidad de Valladolid, Spain. 19-20.06.2013. |
16.09.2013 |
Frommeld, F.; López García, Y.; Peña, J. „Latin America - closer than you think". Mercado - Info market for business in Latin America. LEG Thüringen, Thüringen International, Erfurt, Germany. |
24.05.2013 |
“Mexicans in Spain: The (re)construction of imaginaries” Latin America Conference Ireland (LACI) "Latin America at a Crossroads: Between Globalization and Regionalization". University College Dublin, Ireland. 23-24.05.2013. |
28.11.2009 |
“La interculturalidad como construcción de oportunidades en el contexto migratorio” [Interculturality as a construction of opportunities in the context of migration]. Jornadas Regionales “Inmigración y Participación Social: Claves y Retos para el Presente y el Futuro”. Federación de Asociaciones de Inmigrantes por la interculturalidad en la Región de Murcia, Spain. |
- Digital Anthropology Talk "Activism, Representation, and Digital Praxis" organized by the Red Latinoamericana de Antropología Digital and presentation on "Coloniality Practices in Postdigitality". The talk in Spanish language is available here. Online. 18.09.2024.
- Workshop "Erfolgreich Bewerben auf eine (Junior-)Professur in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften" [Successfully applying for a (junior) professorship in humanities and social sciences]. Chemnitz, Germany. 23.04.2024.
- First online round table as part of the Standing Committee “Methodological Approaches and Tools in Migration Research” (Meth@Mig) of IMISCOE. Online. 12.12.2023.
- Interculturality research seen interculturally - round table discussion between Prof. Dr. Christoph Vatter (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Prof. Dr. Pan Yaling (School of Foreign Studies of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)) and Jun. Prof. Dr. Yolanda López García (Chemnitz University of Technology). 15.09.2023. Intercultural Summer Academy on the topic: "Fuzzy Cultures in the Future".
- Presentation of the book "Imaginaries of Migration: Life Stories of Mexican Migrants in Germany". 9th International Congress of Anthropology AIBR "El desafío intercultural. Diálogo y Diversidad" [The intercultural challenge. Dialogue and diversity], Mexico City & Online. 11.08.2023.
- Podcast. Interview on the Radio Programme "Grandiosas" at Radio Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico). 20.11.2021. Language: Spanish. Thema: Migration, Social Imaginaries, Monograph "Imaginaries of Migration: Life Stories of Mexican Migrants in Germany".
- Chair in Panel “Comparative Analysis of Logics, Practices, and Transfer Mechanisms in Migration Research” and participation in the conference “Bordering Society: Understanding and Reimagining Migration, Displacement and Diversity in an Age of Rapid Transformations”. University of Birmingham, England. 04.-06.09.2024.
- Coordination of Strand 5, "Critical Intercultural Competence and Practice", in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Agostino Portera (University of Verona) and Dr. Mattia Baiutti (Fondazione Intercultura ets) at the conference "DEIB+ in Education to Transform Society" and presentation "Reimagining Critical Intercultural Competence: Decolonial Perspectives on Interculturality". Chemnitz, Germany. 26.-28.03.2024.
- Guest lecture "Decolonial Turn in Intercultural Communication: Mapping Theoretical Foundations and Praxes" by Prof. Dr. Benachour Saidi (Mohamed First University, Morocco) as part of Yolanda López's lecture "Intercultural Communication and Competence". Chemnitz, Germany. 11.12.2024.
- Ibero-American Network of Imaginaries and Representations (RIIR) "Conversatorio 2024: Imaginarios de la Migración" in collaboration with the Faculty of Sociology of the Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia. 29.11.2024.
- Participation in the Networking-Meeting of the IMISCOE-Standing Committee "Methodological Approaches and Tools in Migration Research (Meth@Mig)" as well as the Workshop "Strategien zur Teilnehmergewinnung und Stichprobenmethoden in der Migrationsforschung" [Strategies for participant recruitment and sampling methods in Migration Research] at GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften in Mannheim, Germany. 25.-27.04.2024.
Time period | Association |
since 2023 | International Migration Research Network (IMISCOE) |
since 2023 | Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) |
since 2023 | Asociación de Antropólogos Iberoamericanos en Red (AIBR) [Association of Iberoamerican Anthropologists in Network] |
since 2022 | Standing Commitee "Methodological Approaches and Tools in Migration Research" (Meth@Mig) IMISCOE |
since 2019 | Hochschulverband für Interkulturelle Studien e.V. (IKS) [University Association for Intercultural Studies] |
since 2014 | Red de Investigación sobre Imaginarios y Representaciones (RIIR) [Research Network on Imaginaries and Representations] |
since 2013 | International Network on Migration and Development |
Time period | Activity |
since 2023 | Coordinator for Erasmus+ and foreign affairs |
since 2023 | Chair of the Examination Board BA Intercultural Communication and MA Intercultural Communication - Intercultural Competence |
since 2023 | Acting Vice-Chair of the Study Commissions BA Intercultural Communication and MA Intercultural Communication - Intercultural Competence |
since 2023 | Member of the German Scholarship Award Commission |
Research Associate
Carmen Pereyra is a research associate at the Junior Professorship of Intercultural Practice with a focus on digital cultures since April 2024. She holds a degree in Literary Studies and Literary Criticism from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) and a Master's degree in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Leipzig.
Research interests and areas of study
Poscolonial Studies, Discourse Analysis, Postdigitality, Racism, Right-wing Extremism, Lifestyle Migration, Digital Anthropology
- Pereyra, Carmen (2023). Migrantes de privilegio: representaciones de la desigualdad en un proyecto migratorio de Germanohablantes en Paraguay. Revista Carta Económica Regional (132), 17-46.
- Jugenheimer, Alina; Pereyra, Carmen & Schöbel, Sören (2022). „Frauenrasse dominiert und wird bevorteilt an jeder ecke“ – Elemente rechtsextremer Diskursstrategien in der Online-Debatte über Abtreibungsrechte, ZRex – Zeitschrift für Rechtsextremismusforschung, 1-2022, S. 159-179.
- Pereyra, Carmen (2022). Nationalism online: the case of ‘El Paraiso Verde’, a gated community for Germans in Paraguay. Interculture Journal: Online Zeitschrift für Interkulturelle Studien, 21(36), 151–168.
- July 7th 2023. Cosmopolitanism in a postdigital, postmigrant Europe and Beyond (ReDICo). Presentation: “"Why doesn't Argentina have more Black Players?" The Twitter Reaction to an Article Published in The Washington Post. Between Postcolonialism, Postmigratory Views and Racism Denial”.
- July 6th 2023Cosmopolitanism in a postdigital, postmigrant Europe and Beyond (ReDICo). Presentation, together with Roman Lietz: “Unlikely Fraternities Between Argentina and Bangladesh. A Postcolonial and Postdigital Football Tale”.
- April 23rd 2023. Online Conference “Migrant Belongings: Digital practices and the everyday” (Universität Utrecht). Presentation: “Striving for agency in a migratory project for Germans in Paraguay: conspiracy theories and right- wing populism in the digital media”.
Student Assistant