Reconciling study, work and care
![grafische Darstellung von Pflegebestandteilen](../veranstaltungen/pflegetag/bilder/Pflegetag_Logo.png)
If a family member has been suffering from an illness requiring care for a long time or suddenly, it is not always easy for the relatives.
In this situation, many questions arise in connection with the compatibility of studies or career and care. Chemnitz University of Technology provides information and answers to questions in order to ensure that students and employees of the university have access to a wide range of information at all times.
The information offered relates to the following topics:
- Digital Care Guide
- Study and Care
- Exemption options under the Care Act
- Organisation of working time
- Regional counselling and information opportunities
Digital Care Guide
The Care Guide was compiled by the family service actors at Saxon universities and colleges and the Coordination Office for the Promotion of Equal Opportunities at Saxon Universities and Colleges. For the first time, it offers a basic overview of the topic of care.
The Care Guide offers:
- Definitions of terms and a care glossary
- Contact persons at the TU Chemnitz
- 6-point emergency plan for a sudden need for care
- Advice on applying for care services and support options
- Information on legal precautions
- Support options for reconciling care and work/training at universities and colleges
Visit the digital Care Guide[de] .
Study and Care
Caring for family members who are ill can be a great time burden and have a strong impact on the course of studies as well as daily work. The changed life circumstances present the relatives with a variety of challenges and put them in a difficult life situation.
You can find some ways to combine family care and studies in the information below:
- Leave of absence
- Interruption of study
- Part-time study (if the degree programme is offered)
Leave of absence
Students can be granted leave of absence if there are important reasons. Leave of absence is applied for in the Student Administration Office with an appropriate form, the submission of a medical certificate stating that the relative is in need of care and the reason why the care is required by the student. Semesters of leave do not count as subject semesters. During the period of leave of absence, the student's rights and obligations remain unaffected, with the exception of the obligation to study properly. During the leave of absence, study and examination achievements can be made at Chemnitz University of Technology.
You can get advice at the Student Service .
Interruption of study
If you are thinking about interrupting your studies or exmatriculating due to caring for a relative, this can have various consequences (e.g.: restricted admission programme, discontinuation of the programme, etc.). It is therefore strongly recommended that you seek advice from the Student Service or the Central Examination Office before interrupting your studies.
Exemption options under the Care Act
The aim of the law is to give employees the opportunity to care for close relatives in need of care in a home environment and thus improve the compatibility of work and family care.
If a relative suffers, for example
- Grandparents
- Parents, parents-in-law
- Spouse, Life partner, Partners in a consensual union
- Siblings
- Children
- Adopted children
- Foster children
- Children, adopted or foster children of the spouse or partner
- Children-in-law
- Grandchildren
suddenly or for some time already suffer from an illness requiring care, the Care Time Act passed in 2008 offers two types of leave from the existing employment relationship to make it easier for employees to care for their relatives without jeopardising their jobs.
The first option is short-term leave from work of up to 10 working days if this is necessary to organize care as needed for a relative in need of care in an acute care situation or to ensure nursing care during this time. At the sites of Bundesministeriums für Justiz you can find the legal basis . The page will open in a new tab.
A second option is to take a care leave of up to 6 months if employees care for a close relative in need of care in their home environment. At the sites of Bundesministeriums für Justiz you can find the legal basis . The page will open in a new tab.
If you intend to apply for a leave of absence, please ask at the Human Resources Department, Division 2.1 or 2.3. The staff will be happy to help you.
On the website of the Bundesministeriums für Justiz you will find the
- Pflegegesetz (The website will open in a new tab.)
- Gesetz über die Familienpflegezeit (Familienpflegezeitgesetz - FPfZG) (The website will open in a new tab.)
The Kanzler-Rundschreiben 11/2014 refers to the enforcement of the Familienpflegezeitgesetz in the employee sector of the Freistaat Sachsen. The website will open in a new tab.
Organisation of working time
Chemnitz University of Technology offers its employees flexible working time arrangements within the framework of flexitime. Employees thus have various options regarding the start and end of their daily working hours.
Please contact the Human Resources Department, Division 2.1 or 2.3, for information on other ways of organising working hours, including the possibility of a temporary reduction in working hours during a care situation.
Regional counselling and information opportunities
Dealing with the new life situation is not easy and raises a lot of questions. In Chemnitz and the surrounding area you will find numerous counselling and information services that can answer any questions that arise. Some of these questions are listed below. You can use these as an orientation for a counselling interview.
Informative contact points:
- Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth[de]
- Neighbourhood assistance Chemnitz[de]
- Care Network Saxony[de]
- Care Network Chemnitz[de]
- Assisted and self-determined living in old age[de]
- Information for time on familiy care[de]
- Care support points in Chemnitz[de]
- Hospice Chemnitz[de]
- German Alzheimer Association[de]