Events | Family service | Equality and family | TU Chemnitz
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Zentrum für Chancengleichheit - Familienservice
Zentrum für Chancengleichheit - Familienservice 

Events for children ande parents

The Family Service offers both informative and relaxing events for parents and children of students and employees of Chemnitz University of Technology and the Student Union. These include specialist lectures on topics relating to everyday family life, which offer parents the opportunity to obtain information and exchange ideas. But the little ones also get their money's worth at children's events.

Children's event during vacations "Ferienspaß"


The children's event "Ferienspaß" during the winter vacation will not take place this year.

Announcement summer event "Ferienspaß"

28/07/2025 bis 08/08/2025

Children's Christmas party

11/12/2024, Admission: 4:00 pm, Start: 4:15 pm
Mensa, Reichenhainer Straße 55
to 05/12/2024 by email to

Please state the number of children and adults and the age of the children when registering!

Reindeer, Christmas tree and Santa Claus on stage
You can print the event poster here.

Parents regular table

"Cough - we have a problem"

Natural relief from illnesses in babies and toddlers.

Natural relief from illnesses in babies and toddlers

When the leaves fall outside in autumn, temperatures rise inside. Fevers, coughs and runny noses are often accompanied by stomach viruses. This can be very distressing for young children and parents. It's a good thing that there are many ways to provide natural relief for little ones. In the online workshop, you will learn effective methods, tips and home remedies from naturopathy for various infectious diseases. Together we will discuss what you can do in acute cases, for example when symptoms occur at night. But also how you can further support your paediatrician's recovery plan. Not to forget: your own emergency first-aid kit, so that you are well prepared in advance.

Event poster with with laughing child with scarf
21.11.2024, 08:00 pm, online-lecture
Kerstin Gaillard
to 19.11.2024 by e-mail to

Here you can print the event poster.


11.12.2024, Einlass: 16:00 Uhr, Beginn: 16:15 Uhr
Mensa, Reichenhainer Straße 55
bis 05.12.2024 per E-Mail an

Bitte geben Sie bei der Anmeldung die Anzahl der Kinder und Erwachsenen und das Alter der Kinder an!

Rentier, Weihnachtsbaum und Weihnachtsmann auf Bühne

Hier können Sie das Veranstaltungsplakat drucken.


Basic course for interested parties and relatives of people with dementia

Relatives of people with dementia are often under great psychological and physical strain. We would like to support you in your situation and offer you the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information about dementia diseases and to exchange information with other relatives. Find out from Stefanie Thormann, care coordinator for the city of Chemnitz, what dementia is, what restrictions are associated with the disease and how the lives of those affected and their families change. You will receive tips on how to deal with and communicate with people with dementia and an overview of the regional counselling and support services.

Event poster with puzzle pieces
4. March 2025, 4:00 pm
Weinhold-Bau, Reichenhainer Straße 70, room 040
bis 28. February 2025 by e-mail to

Here you can print the event poster.

Children's University

Hello dear children,
You want to study too? Like the grown-ups, with a student ID card and student handbook? Then you've come to the right place: the Chemnitz Children's University!

Central lecture hall building of the TU Chemnitz with students and stick figures

You can find more informations at the sites of Childen's Universityde.