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University Press


Based on the print-on-demand procedure, University Press offers the production of cost-efficient print-publications.

Basic costs

  • 65,45 euro lump sum preparation for printing
  • 19,04 euro set-up charges
  • 49,00 euro sample copy
  • 50,00 euro lump sum administrative charges University Press
  • 20,00 euro shipping charges (flat rate)

The lump sum for preparation for printing includes a professional check of the body of the book and its optimization for printing as well as the design of the cover.

The set-up charges are raised as basic charges for each title to be published.

The sample copy is being produced for each title to be published for the release for printing.

The lump sum for the University Press includes i.a. the provision of identifiers, the online-publication on the document and publication server MONARCH-Qucosa as well as the promotion of the print-publications.

The shipping charges are determined as lump sum and are invoiced in the end in the actual amount.

Costs for the copies

The costs depend on the design of the publication, such as format, cover, pages and number of pages in color.

The University Press produces a minimum edition of 6 mandatory copies.


The publication of 25 copies of a doctoral thesis as softcover in the format DIN A5 with a scope of 200 pages (among them 10 in color) costs about 355 euros.

As of: 16.10.2023