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Publishing process
University Library 

University Press

Publication Process

Chemnitz University Press strives for the usage of PDF/X- and PDF/A-files. These particular kinds of PDF-formats include additional information for formatting and are especially appropriate for printing and long-term archiving. In order to avoid losses in quality, documents should preferably already being created in the final format. For further processing, PDF-files without protection are required.

The publication process step-by-step:


  • Persons interested address to the University Press and its staff members for consultation via email or phone. In the case that a publication by the University Press is envisaged, the respective registration form for the publication will be filled in.

Creation of manuscript

  • The author formats his/her manuscript and submits it in PDF/X-format (for printing) and PDF/A-format (for digital long-term archiving) preferably via the TUCcloud or similar systems.
  • The University Press checks the files for potential formal defects. As result of the formal editing, the author gets indications for correction.
  • The University Press is responsible for the allocation of identifiers and takes care for the creation of the front pages incl. imprint.

Conclusion of contract

  • Between the author and the University Press, a publisher contract will be concluded for the publication containing regulations i.a. for costs, availability and usage rights.
  • In addition, the author fills in an application for archiving for the online-publication.

Printing process

  • The University Press takes care for the design of the cover and the preparation of the body of the book for printing.
  • The University Press forwards the files for printing to the external service provider.
  • The University Press receives a sample copy for formal checking and forwards it to the author for inspection.
  • By approval of the author, the University Press releases the document for printing by the external service provider.


  • The University Press forwards the author’s copies less the mandatory copies to the author and sends an invoice.

Promotion and visibility

  • The University Press takes care for the online-publication on the document and publication-server MONARCH-Qucosa.
  • The University Press sends the mandatory copies to the German National Library as well as to the Saxon State and University Library and reports the online-publication to the German National Library.
  • The University Press cares appropriate promotion and for the registration and indexing in library catalogs as well as in the University Bibliography of Chemnitz University of Technology.