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University Library
Interlibrary Loan
University Library 

Interlibrary Loan

The Interlibrary Loan exists to borrow media (books, journal articles...) which are not held by Chemnitz University Library from other libraries in Germany or abroad. Interlibrary Loan is regulated by the national Guidelines for Interlibrary Loan in the Federal Republic of Germany (PDF) and the Principles and Guidelines for Procedure of International Lending and Document Delivery.

Straight to the online interlibrary loan (via the library user account)


Tel.: 0371/531 13192
Fax: 0371/531 13109

All users who own a valid library card may make use of this service. Please note that requests by users whose accounts are blocked cannot be accepted. Please contact the library staff in this case.

You can only request items which are not available in Chemnitz University Library. Please make sure that you have checked the library catalogue before you submit a request!
Items which are already held by the library, but which are on loan to other readers, can be recalled from the current borrower. They cannot be requested from other libraries.
Missed items can be requested.

The following items cannot be obtained:

  • items which are available in bookstores for a small amount of money (up to 10 EUR)
  • articles from daily and weekly newspapers (copyright since 1.3.2018)
  • special collections material (exceptions: items that are borrowed according to the Altbestandszertifikat
  • e-books

According to the national Guidelines for Interlibrary Loan in the Federal Republic of Germany you pay 1,50 EUR per request. This administration fee is also due for items which are unavailable in Interlibrary Loan. If, during the process of our research, it appears that an item is available in Chemnitz University Library, you pay 1,50 EUR.
The fee is charged to your library account.
International Interlibrary Loan can be more expensive.

Delivery time depends on the availability of items at other libraries. Chemnitz University Library has no influence on the time of delivery!

Online through the library user account. Here you find the link Interlibrary Loan request. You will have to decide whether you would prefer the original document or a copy. Please select the relevant form and complete the bibliographical details.
Please enquire the staff at the information desk for clarification of bibliographical details.
All Interlibrary Loan requests will be registered in your user account.

You will be notified by eMail or post once the item is available for collection. Items are held at the library issue desk.
If an item is unavailable, you will also be notified by eMail.
If a photocopy can satisfy your request, it will be posted to you. You can keep it.

Conditions of use (submission date, renewals etc.) accord to the supplier library.
Renewals can be requested personally in Chemnitz University Library or by eMail to the Interlibrary Loan department only. Renewals are subject to approval by the lending library.

Foreign items that are not available in Germany can be requested by International Interlibrary Loan. In this case special conditions apply. There can be high costs and extended delivery times.