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University Library

New to the library? | Registration | User card

Welcome to the University Library Chemnitz. Here you can find some useful details to facilitate your experience with the library services.

User card

In order to be able to use the library services you need a user card.

Members of the university use their TUC-Card as user card which is also for payment at the cafeteria and copy and print services.

Further information

You are:

Please bring the following documents to activate your user account or to pick up your user card:

  • your identity card or your passport and a confirmation of residence (document with your German address)
  • members of the university: TUC-Card
  • young people between the age of 14 and 18, please present the written approval (PDF) for using the library by minors
    • minors who don't have an own identity card: student card as well as a copy of the identity card of the legal representative (parent ord guardian)

You will find your user number on your user card. You will need this number to log in to your user account, as well as for reservations and interlibrary loans

The standard password is your birthday (DDMMYY). For safety reasons you should change it into a personal password.

If you have lost your user card, please contact us immediately so we can block your account ( - 0371/531 13190)

Using the library is free of charge.