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Theses Department


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Theses Department

Doctoral theses, postdoctoral theses, conference papers...

The main tasks of the Theses Department consist on

  • collecting statutory copies of doctoral and postdoctoral theses as well as publications of
    Chemnitz University of Technology
  • serving as point of contact for formal inquiries and general recommendations with regard to the
    publication of doctoral and postdoctoral theses

The publications are recorded within the catalog of Chemnitz University Library and relevant librarian databases.

The doctoral regulations of the faculties of Chemnitz University of Technology require the publication of the doctoral thesis for the completion of a doctoral procedure.
The regulations are published on the website of the faculties.
Please use them for getting information concerning the selective options for publishing your doctoral thesis.

Some information with regard to common options:

Electronic release within the document and publication server MONARCH-Qucosa

Please access the following websites for further details:

Contact persons:

Portrait: Ute Blumtritt
Ute Blumtritt

With regard to all questions around the Open Access topic, please send an email to Ute Blumtritt.

Release by a publisher

You are free in the selection of the publisher.

We recommend the University Press of Chemnitz University of Technology.

With regard to all questions around the University Press, please send an email to the University Press Team..

Contact persons University Press:

Cornelia Oertel

Contact persons other publishers:

Victoria Tyrner
Portrait: Ute Blumtritt
Ute Blumtritt


  • Submission of the publisher copies according to the number determined by the respective doctoral regulations
  • Evidence of the publisher assuring a certain minimum circulation figure according to the respective doctoral regulations (copy of publisher contract or separate document of the publisher)

Classic printing of doctoral thesis


Submission of the printed and bound copies according to the number determined by the respective doctoral regulations.

Contact persons:

Victoria Tyrner
Portrait: Ute Blumtritt
Ute Blumtritt

In case that the postdoctoral regulations of your faculty require the submission of the postdoctoral thesis to the University Library, please comply with those regulations respectively.
Please use them for getting information concerning the selective options for publishing your postdoctoral thesis.

For contact persons and information regarding common options for publishing, see doctoral theses

Guideline for publishing cumulative elaborations (pdf) (in German)

A particular manner for publishing doctoral or postdoctoral theses is the so-called cumulative respective publication-based release.
“In this regard, the doctoral candidate submits a number of content-related publications in academic journals in place of a monograph; mostly, three academic articles are required, although, depending on the respective faculty, they do not necessarily have to be already published by the time of submission.”

As this manner is a kind of secondary publication, legal aspects regarding the articles already released or submitted to the publisher have to be checked. For further information, please consult our Open Access website.

Exclusively in the case of release of the included articles in entire Open Access journals or by concession of the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY), no consultation of those publishers is necessary. In that case only, the assignment of a CC-BY-license for your own elaboration is possible.

With regard to all other cumulative elaborations, the concession of this license is not recommended! In case of uncertainties or questions, please address to the Open Access-Team.

Berlin University of Technology has elaborated a checklist for cumulative doctoral theses.

Please check under which conditions the publishers permit to you the usage of the articles included in your doctoral thesis. Of decisive relevance are the regulations within your publisher contract. In case you cannot find information there, the publisher policies for doctoral theses apply.

Your publisher is not listed? You feel uncertain face to the implementation of the requirements of the publisher? Please address to the Open Access-Service of the University Library.

In case of co-authors, ask for their consent to the secondary publication.

Frequently, the publishers require that in case of secondary publication of an article, a determined wording has to be included. Please place it always at the beginning of the respective chapter.

Complement the doctoral thesis with an overview of all publications completely included in your elaboration. It should contain the following indications:

  • Complete bibliographic indications
  • Indications regarding the version (preprint, postprint, publisher version)
  • Reference to the place/ chapter of your doctoral thesis where the articles may be found
  • DOI (if applicable) actively linked, initiated by https://doi.org/
Contact person:
Portrait: Ute Blumtritt
Ute Blumtritt

Particularly in the case of primary publication of doctoral and postdoctoral theses, the University Library recommends the concession of an Open-Access-license. For the assignment of Open-Content-licenses, you have to be the holder of the necessary rights. In case that you are not author of the contents included (graphics, logos, brands …), you have to ask for consent to the license assignment. See also Legal Aspects and Practical Impacts of Open-Content-Licensing, Section e) Requirements for the assignment of Open-Content-licenses (in German).

Please be aware of the fact that the logo of Chemnitz University of Technology has to be excluded from the CC-license as the rights (in German) belong to Chemnitz University of Technology. Users of the Corporate Design are not entitled to forward usage rights on the Corporate Design to third parties.

Specimen text for the indication of the license in the pdf-file: The elaboration – except the logo of Chemnitz University of Technology – is assigned with the Creative-Commons-license Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

In case of cumulative doctoral theses, the assignment of a CC-license is not straightforward possible as you have already conceded rights on parts of your elaboration. If you still would like to assign a license, you should come to us for consultation.

For an overview on CC-license versions for selection, please access Information regarding Creative-Commons-licenses.

In order to find the appropriate license, you may make use of the license generator of Creative Commons.

Useful links:

The publication of elaborations leading to the degree Bachelor, Master resp. Diploma is not mandatory. We recommend to archive your elaboration online within the document and publication server MONARCH-Qucosa.

For this, the approval of the supervising lecturer is required. In this context, you are asked to fill in this declaration of consent in German (pdf) | Englisch (pdf).

Please find a sample for the design of the front page here (pdf).

With regard to your publication, we recommend the following professional, long-lasting binding manners: hardcover, softcover (paperback) or adhesive binding. Please ask the service provider of your choice for consultancy regarding the selection of an appropriate binding manner considering the binding strength. Spiral or wire comb binding is not appropriate for libraries and thus are not accepted.

In case that an elaboration is released as monograph by a publisher, it has to be marked as thesis. This may happen either by inclusion of the front page of the doctoral thesis or by indication of a thesis note within the imprint of the publisher:

Doctoral Thesis Chemnitz University of Technology 20xx


This elaboration had been submitted to the Faculty of … at Chemnitz University of Technology as doctoral thesis in 20xx.

The inclusion of the declaration of autonomy is not common for publisher releases.

In case that a curriculum vitae is included, it should be limited to the academic/ professional background. Please observe to not indicate personal information such as addresses etc.

The following opportunities are for your selection:

  • Handover at the information desk in the entrance area of the University Library within the current opening hours.
  • Sending via postal mail to the contact person responsible:
    Chemnitz University of Technology
    University Library / Alte Aktienspinnerei
    Straße der Nationen 33
    09111 Chemnitz

Subsequent to the check of formal completeness, we will send a confirmation of receipt via email to the Dean’s Office responsible at the Faculty and the author (insofar her/his email-address is available).

1. What is submitted?

  • The submission of the main document of your doctoral thesis happens in the file-format PDF/A considering the General recommendations for the formal design of statutory copies.
  • Archivable format versions are
  • Technical information regarding the conversion to PDF and PDF/A is provided by our hosting partner.
  • The file is not protected by a password and contains no security restrictions. The file is identical to the printing file. The curriculum vitae may be omitted or limited to the academic/ professional background.
  • Supplementary files may be uploaded additionally, if applicable.
  • A deposit licence (German (pdf) | English (pdf)) filled in and signed for electronic publishing on MONARCH-Qucosa has to be submitted as well.
  • Generally, 6 bound printed versions have to be submitted in addition.
    • Long-lasting bindings are required (no spiral or wire comb binding)
    • You may submit in the formats DIN A4 or DIN A5. The pages may be printed single- or double-sided.

2. How is the conduct?

  • Registration of the document on MONARCH-Qucosa via the input assistant
  • Upload of the PDF/A-file and supplementary files (at the bottom of the form you may leave us a message, e.g. in the case that the processing is urgent)
  • Filling in and signing of the deposit licence (German (pdf) | English (pdf))
  • Submission of the printed copies as well as the declaration of consent to the University Library
  • The confirmation of receipt is sent within 1-2 working days subsequent to processing via email to the Dean’s Office of the respective Faculty as well as in copy to the author.

3. Consultation

The Theses Department Team would be delighted to assist you. Please get in touch from 09:30 am to 01:30 pm or arrange an appointment with:

Contact person:
Victoria Tyrner
Portrait: Ute Blumtritt
Ute Blumtritt

We offer to you our assistance:

  • regarding the conversion of your file to PDF/A
  • regarding the filling in of the deposit licence (German (pdf) | English (pdf))
  • regarding the upload of your file
  • regarding other issues of archiving