University News: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Earning Money With Big Data
Three students of the Master’s program in Business Intelligence & Analytics tell about everyday university life and their future plans as data scientists
For the Uni at the Starting Line
On September 2nd, 2015, the TU has the chance to recapture the title of “Most Athletic Company” at the Company Run – Late deciders can still register until August 21st
TU Chemnitz is Strengthening Cooperation with South Africa
Memorandum of Understanding and Student Exchange Agreement with the KwaZuluNatal University Durban was extended
International Symposium in the Field of Lightweight Construction
Manufacturing processes suitable for large-scale production of lightweight structures are key technologies – The Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE invites to the IMTC 2015
Charisma Far Beyond the Region
Members of the Excellence Council of the Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE - Merge Technologies for Multifunctional Lightweight Structures caught up on the current state of research
Impetus for Regional Collaboration
Rectors from universities in the Czech Republic and Saxony were guests of the TU Chemnitz on June 18th, 2015
Creating Enthusiasm for the Interdisciplinary Information Systems
Eleven questions for Prof. Dr. Barbara Dinter, Professor of Business Information Systems I since April 2014
TU Chemnitz ranks among the Winners of the “Study & Work” Competition
Universities were recognized for their strategies in engaging international skilled workers in the German job market – close cooperation in the Work Group for the Securement of Skilled Workers in Chemnitz
Two Great Days on Campus
For the first time, the Student Body Summerfest will be staged over two days behind the Turmbau: The Family Day on June 16th and the Campus Open Air Concert on June 17th, 2015
Chemnitz’s Cutting-Edge Research Grows Even More International
Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE of the TU Chemnitz is an important stimulus for sustainable development in the field of lightweight construction
The Research Complex of the Federal Cluster of Excellence will be expanded
Finance Minister Unland: “One of the most important milestones for top-level research in Saxony is achieved with the construction of the MERGE-machine” - Two more construction phases are to follow
For a greener TU Chemnitz
Where ideas are followed up by concrete action: On 3 June the TU, the Student Union, landscapers, garden centers and building experts pave the way for the beautification of the Mensa area of campus
German–Polish Bridge Building
Delegation from Opole as a guest at the Technische Universität Chemnitz - Appointment of Prof. Dr. Marek Tukiendorf to the Excellence Council of the Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE
In Focus: Your Professional Future
For the Day of Industry and Science on the May 20th, 2015, the WIK-Chemnitz Career Fair offers contacts to companies for jobs, internships and thesis topics as well as an extensive supporting program
From healthy drums up to the flashes in the laboratory
Lively, gesture-rich and highly exciting: On 30 May 2015, TU Chemnitz offers comprehensive participatory and advisory services for the Open Day
Because of Love
Sociology meets Production Technology: Mariana Mondragon Contreras, Student in the Master Program Management and Organisation Studies, from Mexico to Chemnitz via Munich
Students give TU Chemnitz very good grades
CHE Ranking: Math students are particularly very satisfied with their study conditions – as regards to the living, Chemnitz belongs to the most favourable cities in Germany
Between Campus Tour and Fuchsbau Revival
International Alumni Meeting brings together current and former students and staff of TU Chemnitz on 30 May 2015 – registration is possible until 15 May – there are three more events on the same day
Insider knowledge from first-hand sources
Students report about their studies and life on the campus and in Chemnitz on the “Campus TUschler“ blog
Call for Applications: InProTUC supports the Mobility of Young Scientists
Until 11th May 2015 doctoral candidates can apply for funding of conference attendance, research visits and insight visits under the new project InProTUC