University News: MAIN
Chemnitz University of Technology Is Part of the 35-Year Success Story of the Erasmus+ Program
Erasmus+ turns 35 - Chemnitz University of Technology is part of this success with 1.8 million euros in funding raised and over 200 partnerships in 31 countries
Premiere of the German-Israeli SME Day in Chemnitz
Strengthening of economic relations between Israel and Germany will be the focus from June 7 to 9, 2022 - Chemnitz University of Technology will participate in the program
Electronic Skin Anticipates and Perceives Touch from Different Directions for the First Time
Scientists from Chemnitz University of Technology and Leibniz IFW Dresden develop a new approach for miniaturization of soft ultra-compact and highly integrated sensor units for directional tactile sensitivity in e-skin systems
World's Smallest Battery Can Power Computers with the Size of a Grain of Dust
A research team led by Chemnitz University of Technology with the participation of IFW Dresden and Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry present an application-oriented method for an unsolved problem in microelectronics - Publication in the prestigious journal Advanced Energy Materials
First ERC Starting Grant acquired for Chemnitz University of Technology: Nano-researcher receives most important EU funding for young scientists for research project in the field of Smart Dust
Dr. Minshen Zhu from Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt’s research group positioned himself in the top field among 4.000 applications and receives one of the most prestigious research grants endowed with 1.5 million euro for his groundbreaking ideas towards the energy supply of autonomously operating microsystems.
World’s Smallest Microelectronic Catheter for Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Future
Research team from Chemnitz University of Technology, IFW Dresden and Max Planck Institute CBG presents a completely new type of biomedical tool with a tiny biocompatible, microelectronic micro-catheter equipped with sensor and actuator functions
Chemnitz University of Technology presents itself with a new logo with regards to the Capital of Culture Year 2025
A new logo is going to replace the previous one until the Capital of Culture year 2025 and was selected by the members of Chemnitz University of Technology
How molecular entities assemble in solution to give atomically precise nanoclusters
International research team of Chemnitz University of Technology, University of Copenhagen and Brookhaven National Laboratory publish a “Very Important Paper” in Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed.
Leibniz Prize winner Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt moves to Chemnitz University of Technology
President Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier refers to an "absolute top transfer”
TODOWorld First: Smaller than a speck of dust, voltage like a AAA battery - Smallest biosupercapacitor provides energy for biomedical applications
Research team from Chemnitz University of Technology, IFW Dresden, and IPF Dresden presents biocompatible energy storage device for sensor applications in blood vessels
Adaptive Microelectronics Reshape Independently and Detect Environment for First Time
Nanoscientists from Chemnitz and Dresden develop adaptive microelectronics that can move independently according to sensor data and align themselves specifically for activities - possible applications in biomedicine and bioneural interfacing
discover@home - Discover Chemnitz University of Technology from home!
Chemnitz University of Technology invites you to our Second Virtual Campus Days from 12 to 21 January 2021 - Prospective students can expect live chats, online consultations, info videos, virtual tours and much more
Chemnitz University of Technology Awards Prizes for Outstanding Achievements in Teaching, Research, and Transfer as well as Special Prize for Special Voluntary Commitment
Innovative teaching concepts, successful project acquisition from DFG and industry funds, professional science communication, and successful introduction of continuing education courses as well as voluntary commitment in the Covid-19 pandemic were honored.
Virtual Language Café Enters Second Round
Bringing the world into your own four walls: International Office seeks more language coaches to help international students improve more than just their language skills - Positive feedback from summer semester spurs on program.
Performance Pays Off
Chemnitz University of Technology and the Society of Friends of Chemnitz University of Technology (Gesellschaft der Freunde der Technischen Universität Chemnitz e. V.) will award nine university prizes for the best theses in 2020
New Presidential Representative for Young Scientists
Michael Schmischke is the new presidential representative for young scientists at Chemnitz University of Technology
Chemnitz Linux Days 2021: "Just do it differently.”
Submissions for one of the largest Linux and Open Source events in the German-speaking world will be taken until 10 January 2021
Interactive Audio Books for More Enjoyment
Alumni and student at Chemnitz University of Technology founded "audory," a platform for interactive stories - testers for app wanted.
TUCtalk 46 is Online
Philipp Schirmer is Head of Gebäudedienste / Entsorgung (Facility Services and Waste Management) at Chemnitz University of Technology and is, along with his team, responsible for ensuring that the university is well looked after both internally and externally - a task with many challenges, not only in Corona times
Chemnitz becomes European Capital of Culture 2025
Chemnitz University of Technology supported the application of the city of Chemnitz with all its strength - President Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier thanks all those who contributed to it with numerous initiatives.