TUCtalk 46 is Online
Philipp Schirmer is Head of Gebäudedienste / Entsorgung (Facility Services and Waste Management) at Chemnitz University of Technology and is, along with his team, responsible for ensuring that the university is well looked after both internally and externally - a task with many challenges, not only in Corona times
Philipp Schirmer is head of Facility Services and Waste Management at Chemnitz University of Technology. Photo: Screenshot TUCtalk
They work in the background but regularly make the university shine - the Facility Services Department at Chemnitz University of Technology ensures, among other things, that the university is well looked after both inside and out. Philipp Schirmer, Head of Gebäudedienste / Entsorgung (Facility Services and Waste Management in the Department of Civil Engineering and Technology - German) at Chemnitz University of Technology, is responsible for coordination.
In the new episode of TUCtalk, Schirmer explains the specific tasks involved, how many people are involved, and what profession he originally had in mind.
TUCtalk, which is broadcast approximately every four weeks, is produced by the Professorship of Media Informatics at Chemnitz University of Technology. Stefanie Müller hosts the show.
All TUCtalk episodes can be viewed on the TU Chemnitz YouTube channel: mytuc.org/TUCYouTube
(Author: Matthias Fejes / Translation: Chelsea Burris)
Matthias Fejes
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- , Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung und Bildungsforschung
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