University News: MAIN
Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt from Chemnitz University of Technology Has Been once again Honored as One of the Most Cited Researchers in the World
The researcher and Scientific Director of Research Center MAIN at Chemnitz University of Technology is among the top-1-percent of the most cited scientists listed in the exclusive ISI “Highly Cited Researchers” 2024 ranking
Reflecting on an Open Science Culture
On the occasion of the “International Open Access Week 2024”, Chemnitz University Library invites for discussion at the end of October – for the first time, the “Open Access Award” will be accorded in different categories
Springs Aboard – Gently Feeling the Way to Grasp the Microcosmos
Researchers from Chemnitz, Dresden und Shenzhen (China) describe in an article in the prestigious journal "Nature Nanotechnology“, how tiny magnetic springs can significantly advance medical applications
Prof. Dr. Karin Leistner Helped Shape Influential International Magnetism Conference as Co-Chair of the Program Committee
The expert in future materials based on magnetoelectricity from Chemnitz University of Technology participated in the Program Committee of the 68th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2023 in Dallas
TODOSustainable Living Technology
In a recent article in the high-profile journal “Advanced Materials”, researchers in Chemnitz show just how close and necessary the transition to sustainable living technology is, based on the morphogenesis of self-assembling microelectronic modules, strengthening the recent membership of Chemnitz University of Technology with the European Centre for Living Technology (ECLT) in Venice.
"Young Researcher Award" for groundbreaking work on micro-batteries
Hongmei Tang from the MAIN Research Center at Chemnitz University of Technology received an award for her promising research results on micro-batteries with novel battery chemistry and architectures for potential application in integrating tiny energy sources on a chip
Impressive Testimony to the Tremendous Diversity of Nanomembrane Research
At the second Annual Meeting of the Research Center MAIN at Chemnitz University of Technology, approximately 80 researchers discussed current trends in nanomembrane research
Scientists from Chemnitz University of Technology promoted the research and innovation location of Chemnitz in Japan and deepened existing collaborations
Prof. Dr. Georgeta Salvan, Prof. Dr. Thomas von Unwerth, and Prof. Dr. Stefan Schulz from Chemnitz University of Technology accompanied the saxonian Minister for Economic Affairs, Martin Dulig, on his delegation trip to Japan
Successful workshop for atomically precise surface technologies in Chemnitz
Young scientists benefit from the exchange within the innovation network for atomic layer processing ALPIN
Architecture Competition for the New Chemistry Building of Chemnitz University of Technology Decided
Design from the Dresden architectural firm Code Unique Architekten GmbH convinced the jury - competition designs will be exhibited from July 6 to August 31, 2023, in the Chemnitz University Library
Chemnitz University of Technology Presented Excellent Research Projects at Parliamentary Evening
The University Management and Senate of Chemnitz University of Technology met with representatives of Saxony's state politics in Dresden on June 19, 2023
Experience Fascinating Research at the Long Night of Science
On June 3, 2023, numerous highlights from the field of science draw visitors to Chemnitz University of Technology – Premiere for the Chemnitz Lecture Hall Slam
Chemnitz University of Technology included in International Organization for Living Technology
As a new member of the renowned European research network European Centre for Living Technology, the scientists of the Research Center for Materials, Architectures and Integration of Nanomembranes (MAIN) benefit from the exchange with colleagues at the highest international level
New Record: 88 Million Euros in Third-Party Funding at Chemnitz University of Technology
Chemnitz University of Technology increases its third-party funding income from 78.7 million euros in 2021 to 88 million euros in 2022, achieving a new record value
Research team with participation of Chemnitz University of Technology reveals intriguing insights into optical resonances determined by the fascinating topology of the Möbius strip
High-profile publication in Nature Photonics: Research team led by Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt from Chemnitz University of Technology and Dr. Libo Ma from Leibniz IFW Dresden publish remarkable study about the Möbius strip and go beyond an almost ten-year-old prediction
Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt from Chemnitz University of Technology is an ISI Highly Cited Researcher
The researcher and Scientific Director of the MAIN Research Center at Chemnitz University of Technology is among the approximately 7.000 scientists worldwide listed in the exclusive 2022 ranking of "ISI Highly Cited Researchers"
Young Scientist Award for Nano-Researcher at Chemnitz University of Technology
Yeji Lee from the MAIN research center at Chemnitz University of Technology received an award as a particularly outstanding young researcher in October 2022 as part of the conference of the Korean Scientists and Engineers Association
Chemnitz University of Technology condemns escalation of violence in Iran, declares solidarity with demonstrators and offers help
Significant Increase in Third-Party Funding at Chemnitz University of Technology
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, Chemnitz University of Technology was able to significantly increase its third-party funding income: from 70.3 million euros in 2020 to 78.7 million euros in 2021 - This means that in 2021, on average, a TUC professor raised more than half a million euros throughout the university
Leibniz Prizewinner Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt is Inaugurated as First Scientific Director of the Research Center MAIN
Prof. Dr. Thomas Otto received the Medal of Honor of Chemnitz University of Technology also in recognition of his services to MAIN and beyond