University News: International
DAAD funding made easy
International Office of Chemnitz University offers a new range of information online – 36 DAAD programs are currently presented
Lightweight Construction Research without Boundaries
Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer: “The Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE at Chemnitz University of Technology sets an important statement on transboundary science networking"
Celebrating in Cap and Gown
The next Graduation Celebration Event of Chemnitz University will take place on June 2nd, 2018 – Registration is open until May, 13th, 2018
Six New Courses of Study Beginning in the 2018/19 Winter Semester
56 items on the agenda at the “Open House Day”: Prospective students can get more information about Chemnitz University’s course offerings – premiere of two modularized Diplom programs
A Bengali start into the New Year
The Bengali New Year celebration will take place on 21st April 2018 in the “Club der Kulturen” on the Campus Reichenhainer Straße of Chemnitz University
Premiere at Hannover Messe: Fully 3D-Printed Electric Motors
Chemnitz University electrical engineers are the first in the world to print electric motors using iron, copper and ceramics
Driving a car made easy
Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE presents new lightweight construction prototypes for automotive industry at the Hannover Fair 2018 from April 23rd till 27th, 2018
What elderly people want
Two professorships at Chemnitz University together with the TUCed – Institut für Transfer und Weiterbildung GmbH and further project partners are doing research on independent
Prizewinning Printed Electronics
With the “T-Book”, Chemnitz University’s Institute for Print and Media Technology and the ARKEMA Piezotech company won at the “OE-A Competition 2018”
Regional Network – Internationally Oriented
Directors of Saxony’s international offices hold their annual conference at Chemnitz University of Technology
Material Technology Colloquium takes place for the 20th time in Chemnitz
The Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (IWW) invites to 17 plenary talks, 27 specialist lectures, and an industry exhibition on March 14 and 15, 2018 – collaborative research center 692 co
From lecture hall to the center of global politics – Podcast provides personal insights
“TU goes UNO”: 15 students of Chemnitz University represent the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the worldwide biggest diplomacy simulation in New York on March 18, 2018
Award-Winning Fiber Technology from Chemnitz
inca-fiber, one of the youngest startups at Chemnitz University, has received several awards in Germany and abroad
Using Light to Control Nerve Cells
Federal Ministry of Research provides funding for project for better medical devices at the Photonik Inkubator in Göttingen – Chemnitz University is a cooperation partner
Neural Networks and Birdsongs
Modern Automation in Birdwatching
Mini job with mini pay
Clickworking on the internet has advantages and disadvantages for those employed – Chemnitz University Professor Christian Papsdorf investigates the new way of working
Start of the mentoring program „WoMentYou“
Project “WoMentYou” is the next step in promoting of gender equality at Chemnitz University - First round of mentoring starts with twelve women
Million investment for the future of autonomous vehicles
The Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen and the GPS Ventures GmbH invest two million euros in the Chemnitz University start-up NAVENTIK GmbH
Highlight in Semiconductor Research
TU Physicist Mahfujur Rahaman made a very significant contribution to semiconductor research in 2017, according to scientific journal
3D-MID in one shot
Professorship of Conveying and Plastics Engineering researchers unite plastic with electronic components – prototypes at “embedded world” trade fair in Nuremberg