Research topics and fields
Due to the close connection between chemistry and physics, we are focusing on four core research topics: complex materials, from molecules to functional materials, scientific modeling and simulation, as well as sensing and cognition. These strategic topics are being studied through the following research fields at our Institute of Physics.
Complex Materials
The research topic complex materials mainly deals with the preparation,
optimization and characterization of functional interface and bulk phases. It covers material
science issues, methodological works and process engineering. The topic from molecule to functional materials
is concerned with issues of chemical reactions, physical processes as well as material properties on the molecular level,
in which research fields such as laser diagnostics, (single-molecule) spectroscopy, reaction mechanisms
and nanoanalytics are involved.
Theory and Simulation
The field of theoretical physics deals not only with condensed matter and its structure,
but also with processes that take place in the systems under research. Our focus is on the following:
simulation of new materials and their cross-scale modeling under influencing external factors,
simulation and analysis of stochastic and nonlinear processes, and quantum mechanical
processes handling.
Sensing and Cognition
Sensing and Cognition is directly connected to the core competence field "Humans and Technology"
of the TU Chemnitz, which covers both human and technical issues of sensor technology and cognition.
Novel sensor systems aim to achieve not only increasing interconnection, but also even closer
interaction with users. In order to make this technology applicable, interfaces between people
and technology must be understood and, if necessary, optimized. Besides, to prepare and present
technically recorded sensor data in an appropriate way, a comprehensive understanding of human
sensory systems is required. Furthermore, the internal working processes of humans and technology
must be understood, which as a whole is subsumed under the term cognition. This
transdisciplinary approach is investigated intensively in the Center for
→ Sensors and Cognitive Psychology and
taught in the research- and application-oriented degree programs → Sensory and Cognitive Psychology.
Our groups conduct basic research with the perspective on specific applications and cooperates with industrial
partners for the development and optimization of materials and devices. In addition to the primary goal of fundamentally
understanding of physical processes, we are also committed to the knowledge-based optimization for the relevant
applications. In the field of optoelectronics, LEDs, laser diodes and solar cells made from organic and inorganic
semiconductors are under research. As for data storage, magnetic thin film systems are studied.
By characterizing the materials and devices made form them, the connectivity between structure and
function is established.
Scientific Highlight 11/2024
Steering internal and outgoing electron dynamics in bilayer graphene cavities by cavity design
Seemann at al., New J. Phys. 26 103045 (2024) [doi]