How to participate ELEC 2024?
Register here
Early-bird registration (before or on 15.07.2024)
- Regular €400
- Guest (only social events) €200
Regular registration (after 15.07.2024)
- Regular €500
- Guest (only social events) €200
After registration you can also register for the workshops. Registration for workshops is necessary since places are limited.
If you consider that you have something that needs to be shared, please put together a short abstract of your presentation idea and send it to as a manifestation of interest. Submission should also include your name and any other information you consider relevant (such as affiliation, company - if you have any).
Hands-on Workshops
There will be several workshops using the capabilities of the Experimental and Digital Factory (EDF) at the Chair of Factory Planning and Intralogistics. Registration for these workshops is required as places are limited. More information will be provided closer to the event. If you want to organize a workshop yourself, please contact
Research Workshops
ELEC seeks to bridge the gap between practice and research. Interested researchers can submit papers (or paper drafts) instead of abstracts. These will be considered for paper development workshops and specific sessions. Guidance will be provided from members of editorial boards from leading international journals, fellow researchers, and practitioners. After ELEC, papers are free for submission elsewhere. Please indicate in your submission if you want to be included in this kind of workshop/session.
Key Dates
Notification of acceptance: May 3, 2024
Invitation for Presentation
"Lean Practice for a Better Future" – European Lean Educators Conference
September 25th to 27th, 2024 | Chemnitz (Germany)
Download Invitation for Presentation