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International Office
Staff Mobility of Teaching Assignment (STA)
International Office 

Staff Mobility for Teaching (STA)

Erasmus+ supports guest lectureships at European partner institutions. The aim of Staff Mobility is amongst other things to provide teaching content to students at partner institutions who are not able or do not wish to go abroad, and thereby supplement the teaching offered by the partner institution.

Support will be provided for visits that:


  • lead to the production of new teaching materials and enrich the teaching on offer,
  • are used to strengthen and broaden links between departments and faculties, and to prepare joint projects between the home and host institutions, or
  • help establish contacts and extend networks.


Eligibility criteria

  • Teaching responsibilities at the partner institution must be at least 8 hours per week. Minimum 2 successive teaching days (excluding travel time)
  • There must be a valid Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement with the relevant host institution.
  • “Eligible persons:” professors, lecturers and research associates employed at the TU Chemnitz and engaged in teaching activities.

Erasmus+ funding provided (link to the funding rates):

  • Reimbursment of travel costs in accordance wit EU rates (in proportion to distance travelled, Distance Calculator)
  • Reimbursment of living expenses in accordance with EU rates for country of destination
  • Granting an icreased travel allowance for sutainable travel and - if applicable - additional travel days funding (Declaration on Honour)
  • Additional funding of up to 2 travel days in the case of non-sustainable travel and an existing funding requirement that has been claimed (Declaration on Honour)
  • Possibility to apply for reimbursement of real costs for stay (max. 15.000 EUR per stay) as well as real costs for preparatory travel (max. 15.000 EUR per stay) for participants with children and participants with disabilities or chronic illnesses.
  • Recognition: Certificate of participation issued by the International Office (can be added to HR files as confirmation as well)





  • Before your visit:

1. International Office application form (Submit asap. Applications can only be considered if there are sufficient funds available).


2. Submit Mobility Agreement (teaching programme) in coordination with partner institution (issued by International Office once application has been approved)


3. Copy of Travel Authorisation Request



  • After your visit:

1. Submit Letter of Confirmation (original copy)

2. Submit online questionnaire to Erasmus database (automated request by email)


Please submit your Letter of Confirmation promptly (at the latest four weeks after your return) to Mr Sachs in the International Office.

Oliver Sachs M.A.

(Erasmus+ Outgoing)
+49 371 531-37972
+49 371 531-13509
Bahnhofstraße 8, G101a
Office hours:
Tue: 10.00 - 12.00 and 14.00 - 16.00
Fr: 10.00-12.00
Coordination and counselling of students for studying or internships abroad