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Institute of Sociology
Institute of Sociology 


You will find information on the examinations to be sat during the different degree programmes in the respective Study and Examination Regulations:

Information on written examinations (usually relating to the lectures), and many more deadlines and advice concerning examination requirements will be provided during the lectures and can be obtained from the respective chairs. (Please, pay attention to any messages and notifications given by the chair’s staff.)

Oral examinations are usually organised by the chair independently of the courses. There often are registration lists in the secretary’s office where exam dates and times can be obtained – please, register as early as possible … and take your name off the list if you change your mind … (Please, also pay attention to information given by the chairs).

Assignments, exams for seminars / tutorials, are mostly related to concrete courses (information is to be obtained from the respective tutor). Dissertations (Bachelor dissertation, Master dissertation) are to be agreed on individually at the respective chair – NB it is a prerequisite for writing a Bachelor dissertation to attend the respective colloquium (Module M17). Please, take into account the Guidelines regarding the formal layout of scientific papers at the Institute  see here.

Central Examination Office Information – Enrolment for Examinations

General information by the Central Examination Office you will find here.

The collection of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). is equally useful.

The  Online Enrolment for Examination is of particular importance to you as you need to enrol for every examination taking place in the respective semester (NB In case you cannot or do not want to take an examination, you must sign off) Please, inform the respective chair as quickly as possible in case you are not able to take part in an exam (written exam, oral exam) due to unexpected illness ... and present a medical certificate to the Examination Office (staying away from an exam without cause means that you have “failed”).

The Examination Office Clerk (Ms. Vogelsang) responsible for us you will find in

Reichenhainer Straße 70, Room C002. Contact: (0371) 531 37243, Mail.

Detailed Information on current Examinations