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Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
Study Commissions & Examination Committees
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences 

Study commissions & Examination committees

Study commission

Prof. Dr. Thomas Milani (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Moritz Schumann
Prof. Dr. Torsten Schlesinger

Tobias Schulz
Antonia Lieshoff
Niels Frigge

Examination committee

Prof. Dr. Torsten Schlesinger (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Christian Maiwald
Prof. Dr. Moritz Schumann

Scientific staff:
Dr. Wolf Gawin

Max Krumbiegel

Study commission

Prof. Dr. Bertolt Meyer (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Heiner Rindermann
Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bendixen
Dr. Alexandra Götze

Bastian Winkler
Nils Paweldyk
Katharina Graupner
Sven Iwainsky

Examination committee

Prof. Dr. Heiner Rindermann (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Bertolt Meyer
Prof. Dr. Georg Jahn

Scientific staff:
Dr. Alexandra Götze

Magdalena Lemke

Study commission

Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl
Prof. Dr. Susanne Rippl

Felix Mahr
Nico Höflich
Anna-Sophia Küster

Examination committee

Prof. Dr. Susanne Rippl (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl
Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy

Scientific staff:
Dr. Henrik Andersen

Caroline Nowotsch

Study commission

Prof. Dr. Bertolt Meyer (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Heiner Rindermann
Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bendixen
Dr. Alexandra Götze

Bastian Winkler
Nils Paweldyk
Katharina Graupner
Sven Iwainsky

Examination committee

Prof. Dr. Heiner Rindermann (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Bertolt Meyer
Prof. Dr. Georg Jahn

Scientific staff:
Dr. Alexandra Götze

Magdalena Lemke

Study commission

Prof. Dr. Stefan Brandenburg (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Lewis Chuang
Dr. Matthias Beggiato

Jens Rüppel
Julian Fabinc
Claudia Böttger

Examination committee

Prof. Dr. Stefan Brandenburg (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Lewis Chuang
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer
Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl

Scientific staff:
Dr. Matthias Beggiato
Kathrin Fucke

Claudia Böttger

Study commission

Prof. Dr. Bertolt Meyer (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Stephan Mühlig
Prof. Dr. Frank Asbrock

Lydia Schulze
Lea Höllmann
Laeticia Noura Reißmann

Examination committee

Prof. Dr. Bertolt Meyer (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Heiner Rindermann
Prof. Dr. Stephan Mühlig

Scientific staff:
Dr. Maxi Rahn

Josie Eibisch

Study commission

Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Bischof

Sofie Götz
Nele König
Julia Gränitz

Examination committee

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Bischof (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy
Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl
Prof. Dr. Susanne Rippl

Scientific staff:
Dr. Ulf Bohmann
Karola Köpferl

Lena Ackermann

Study commission

Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Bischof

Anna-Sophia Küster
Wunna Fuhrmann
Maria Neumann

Examination committee

Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl
Prof. Dr. Susanne Rippl

Scientific staff:
Alexander Helbing

Felix Mahr

Study commission

Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl
Prof. Dr. Susanne Rippl

Sandra Frisch
Felix Mahr
Laureen Sieber

Examination committee

Prof. Dr. Susanne Rippl (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl
Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy

Scientific staff:
Henrik Andersen

Caroline Nowotsch

Study commission

Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl
Prof. Dr. Susanne Rippl

Sandra Frisch
Felix Mahr
Anna-Sophia Küster

Examination committee

Prof. Dr. Susanne Rippl (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl
Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Bischof
Prof. Dr. Christian Maiwald

Scientific staff:
Dr. Henrik Andersen

Caroline Nowotsch

Study commission

Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl
Prof. Dr. Susanne Rippl

Sandra Frisch
Felix Mahr
Anna-Sophia Küster

Examination committee

Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl
Prof. Dr. Susanne Rippl

Scientific staff:
Dr. Henrik Andersen

Caroline Nowotsch

Study commission

Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl
Prof. Dr. Susanne Rippl

Sandra Frisch
Felix Mahr
Anna-Sophia Küster

Examination committee

Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy (chairman)
Prof. Dr.Jochen Mayerl
Prof. Dr. Susanne Rippl
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Bischof

Scientific staff:
Alexander Helbing
Britta Maskow

Caroline Nowotsch

Study commission

Prof. Dr. Thomas Milani (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Torsten Schlesinger

Melanie Strohbach
Dominic Zemlin

Examination committee

Prof. Dr. Torsten Schlesinger (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Christian Maiwald
Prof. Dr. Moritz Schumann
Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy

Scientific staff:
Dr. Wolf Gawin
Dr. Freddy Sichting

Max Krumbiegel

Study commission

Prof. Dr. Thomas Milani (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Christian Maiwald
Prof. Dr. Torsten Schlesinger

Elias Hegelheimer
Lennart Rissiek
Antonia Lieshoff

Examination committee

Prof. Dr. Torsten Schlesinger (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Christian Maiwald
Prof. Dr. Moritz Schumann

Scientific staff:
Dr. Freddy Sichting

Antonia Lieshoff

Study commission

Prof. Dr. Thomas Milani (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Torsten Schlesinger

Melanie Strohbach
Dominic Zemlin

Examination committee

Prof. Dr. Torsten Schlesinger (chairman)
Prof. Dr. Christian Maiwald
Prof. Dr. Moritz Schumann

Scientific staff:
Dr. Wolf Gawin

Max Krumbiegel