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Institute of Human Movement Science and Health
Master BPR
Institute of Human Movement Science and Health 

Human Movement and Exercise Sciences in Prevention and Rehabilitation | Master (accredited)

Welcome to the Master's Program

Within the framework of the Master's program, the scientific concepts and methods of prevention and rehabilitation sports developed in the basic Bachelor's program are to be deepened and specific specialist knowledge and professional field-related competencies in relevant sports science knowledge areas are to be acquired. The curriculum includes courses and content from different subject areas and sub-disciplines of sports science, which are to be integratively linked with a view to health-related sports and exercise activities. Here, the sports science knowledge, skills, competencies and methods required in the professional field of prevention and rehabilitation sport are taught in such a way that the students are enabled to act in a qualified and responsible manner and to use their knowledge in a targeted manner and to solve tasks independently and creatively.

Die Studenten können nach Abschluss des Studiums mit Schwerpunkt A („Sport- und Trainingstherapie“) folgende Lizenzen vom Deutschen Behindertensportverband (DBS e.V.) nach Zulassung zum P8-Lehrgang beantragen: Übungsleiter*in Rehabilitationssport Neurologie (Block 60).

Admission requirements: B.Sc. prevention, rehabilitation and fitness sports from the TU Chemnitz or equivalent degree in terms of content (if applicable, decision of examination board on equivalence and access of other applicants)


Standard study period: 4 semester


Degree: Master of Science (M. Sc.)


Starting: usually in the winter semester


Career Prospects

After successful completion of the master's program, there is a wide range of professional opportunities:

  • Occupational health promotion
  • Exercise therapy in health care
  • Sports and training therapy in clinics
  • Lecturer in movement and sport related trainings
  • Movement-oriented leadership training
  • Commercial health and fitness studios
  • Sports clubs
  • Sporting goods manufacturer
  • Children's sports schools
  • All-day care in schools
  • Health tourism/wellness
  • Movement offers in the event area
  • Personal Training, Bootcamps
  • Health insurance companies (health promotion area)

Study Structure

In the basic modules, further knowledge is imparted with regard to empirical scientific work. Furthermore, the knowledge of pedagogical and psychological aspects, biomechanics, exercise science and training science relevant for sports and training therapy as well as health promotion is deepened from different subject areas and disciplines of sports and exercise science. The knowledge of health and quality management is also expanded. The focus of study to be chosen allows the program to be profiled in the areas of „sports and training therapy“ or „health management and health promotion“. In the study focus A „Sport and Training Therapy“ a training-related application on clinical case studies takes place on the basis of the medical knowledge as well as an action competence extended by the clinical practical course. In the sports medicine project to be completed, exercise and training science as well as therapy-related issues are developed and scientific methods learned are consolidated. In the module Movement Science A, biomechanical knowledge is deepened and analytical skills for recognizing gait pathologies are developed. Elective modules are available to the students to expand the field of study either in sociological or psychological-scientific direction.

In the study focus B „Health Management and Health Promotion“ a deepening of business management knowledge and a supervised application in the internship takes place. In the module Movement Science B biomechanical knowledge is deepened and possibilities are shown to describe the performance of the body by means of physical dimensions and to use biomechanical methods in a targeted manner. In the social science project to be completed, sports and social science issues are developed and scientific methods learned are consolidated. The examination of economic issues of health and fitness sports and future innovations and trends takes place in the module Social Science Perspectives on Sport, Exercise and Health Promotion. The individual foundation and concentration modules include predominantly research-based content. However, the courses prepare students for both scientific and non-scientific professional fields. The program concludes with the Master's thesis module. The content of all modules is structured in such a way that students can acquire additional qualifications and licenses related to their profession.


Die Bewerbung für ein Studium für deutsche Studieninteressent:innen erfolgt online über das Bewerbungsportal.

Weiterführende Informationen und Hinweise zur Studienaufnahme sind auf der Website des Studierendenservice zu finden.


The admission requirement for the master's degree program in Human Movement and Exercise Sciences in Prevention and Rehabilitation is fulfilled by those who have obtained a professional university degree at Chemnitz University of Technology in the bachelor's degree program in prevention, rehabilitation and fitness sports or in a program with equivalent content. The equivalence as well as the access of other applicants is decided by the examination committee.


Subject Advisory Service

Portrait: PD Dr. Dr. Nico Nitzsche
PD Dr. Dr. Nico Nitzsche
Professorship of Sports Medicine and Exercise Therapy

Audit Committee Chair

Portrait: Prof. Dr. Torsten Schlesinger
Prof. Dr. Torsten Schlesinger
Professorship of Social science of physical activity and health