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URZ Workshop „Creating websites with TUCAL“
Dates from the event calendar
URZ Workshop „Creating websites with TUCAL“ 

Dates from the event calendar

Extension module for displaying events from the event calendar

  • Wednesday, 08.11.2024 Karl-Marx-Stadt. Architecture and urban development in an international and historical context (Congress/Conference)

    • TU Chemnitz
    • Time: 13:30 to 08.11. 12:30 Location: Str. der Nationen 33, Universitätsbibliothek IdeenReich Language: Deutsch
    • Info: Peer Ehmke, Tel 0371 4884505, schlossbergmuseum@stadt-chemnitz.de
    • Conference on aspects of the history of modern architecture and urban planning in France, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, the Soviet Union and Germany, in co-operation with Chemnitz University Library and the Chemnitz Kunstsammlungen
    • Siehe Pressemitteilung.
    • iCal file
  • Thursday, 07.11.2024 GDCh-Kolloquium “Stepwise or Concerted? One-Bond-Nucleophilicity and -Electrophilicity Parameters for the Mechanistic Analysis o (Seminar/Colloquium)

    • Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Institut für Chemie
    • Time: 16:00 to 18:00 Location: Str. der Nationen 62, Böttcher-Bau 1/232 Language: Englisch
    • Speaker: Prof. Herbert Mayr, Department of Chemistry, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
    • Info: Prof. Dr. Michael Sommer, 0371/ 531 32507,
    • iCal file
  • Wednesday, 13.11.2024 Informationsveranstaltung - Exportkontrolle für Projektleiter/-innen in Drittmittelprojekten

    • Universitätsverwaltung, Dezernat Finanzen und Beschaffung/ Abt. 3.2
    • Time: 09:30 to 13:00 Location: Str. der Nationen 62, Altes Heizhaus Language: Deutsch
    • Speaker: Frau Dr. Caroline Rosentritt / Herr Maximilian Schramm
    • Info: Frau Susann Deutsch / 0371-531 35770/
    • Impulsvortrag zu den Themen:
      - Problemstellung der Exportkontrolle
      - betroffene Bereiche
      - Die 4 Säulen der Exportkontrolle
      - Leitfragen zur ethischen Bewertung sicherheitsrelevanter Forschung
      - Vorgehensweise und Prüfung
    • iCal file
  • Thursday, 14.11.2024 Convergence 2024 (Congress/Conference)

    • TU Chemnitz, Maschinenbau, Professur Maschinenelemente und Produktentwicklung
    • Time: 08:00 to 11:00 Location: Str. der Nationen 62, Böttcher-Bau W040 Language: Deutsch
    • Speaker: Susan Krumdieck, Daniel Kenning
    • Info: Anmeldung unter Veranstaltungslink, bei Fragen an Lisa-Marie Nettlenbusch, , 36461
    • Last year Transition Days took place at the TU Chemnitz.
      This year a similar event will take place. The focus of this 2.5 hour event will be on the progress made by GATE in the field of Sustainable transition.
    • iCal file
  • Thursday, 14.11.2024 GDCh-Kolloquium “Metalated Ylides: Teaching old reagents new tricks” (Seminar/Colloquium)

    • Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Institut für Chemie
    • Time: 16:00 to 18:00 Location: Str. der Nationen 62, Böttcher-Bau 1/232 Language: Englisch
    • Speaker: Prof. Viktoria H. Däschlein-Gessner, Chair of Inorganic Chemistry II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    • Info: Prof. Dr. Michael Sommer, 0371/ 531 32507,
    • iCal file

Integration of the module

In the TUCAL editor, this information is entered in the „Seiteneinstellungen (PHP)“ (page settings) text field:

page settings in the editor

Basic structure

echo termine(array $search, integer $quantity, array $style);

Possible parameters

  • $search | PHP array
    • array('field' => 'value'[, ...])
    • Possible entries for 'field' (selection):
      • 'titel' = event title
      • 'fakultaet' = faculty or central institution
      • 'label' = given label
      • 'uniteil' = university site
    • 'value' = String to be searched for, placeholder = %
  • $quantity | PHP integer
    • maximum displayed events (default: 10)
  • $style | PHP array
    • Array of values that affect the style of the events
    • Possible entries:
      'stil' (1 = table, 2 = list, 4 = like TUC calendar),
      'link' ('popup' = details as pop-up, otherwise new page)


echo termine(array('fakultaet' => '%rechenzentrum%'), 2, array('stil' => 1));
07.11.2024 11:00 BBB-Raum Consultation Hour „Web and accessible Documents“
Sandra Kahl, Dr. Uwe Dombeck
Do you have questions about the design of your web presence or would you like to integrate a specific function? Do you need advice on checking documents for accessibility? Together with you we look at your scenario and find a suitable solution. Mehr ...
13.11.2024 10:00 BBB-Raum Creation and testing of accessible websites at the TU Chemnitz
Dr. Uwe Dombeck
The training is about digital accessibility of websites of the TU Chemnitz. The training is aimed at all web authors who create pages at the TU Chemnitz. Mehr ...
echo termine(array('fakultaet' => '%rechenzentrum%'), 2, array('stil' => 2));
echo termine(array('fakultaet' => '%rechenzentrum%'), 2, array('stil' => 4));
07.11.2024 11:00, BBB-Raum
Consultation Hour „Web and accessible Documents“
Sandra Kahl, Dr. Uwe Dombeck
Do you have questions about the design of your web presence or would you like to integrate a specific function? Do you need advice on checking documents for accessibility? Together with you we look at your scenario and find a suitable solution.
13.11.2024 10:00, BBB-Raum
Creation and testing of accessible websites at the TU Chemnitz
Dr. Uwe Dombeck
The training is about digital accessibility of websites of the TU Chemnitz. The training is aimed at all web authors who create pages at the TU Chemnitz.
  • Thursday, 07.11.2024 Consultation Hour „Web and accessible Documents“ (Online event)

    • Universitätsrechenzentrum
    • Time: 11:00 to 12:00 Location: BBB-Raum Language: Deutsch
    • Speaker: Sandra Kahl, Dr. Uwe Dombeck
    • Info: ohne Voranmeldung: https://mytuc.org/webf
    • Do you have questions about the design of your web presence or would you like to integrate a specific function? Do you need advice on checking documents for accessibility? Together with you we look at your scenario and find a suitable solution.
    • iCal file
  • Wednesday, 13.11.2024 Creation and testing of accessible websites at the TU Chemnitz (Online event)

    • Universitätsrechenzentrum
    • Time: 10:00 to 12:00 Location: BBB-Raum Language: Deutsch
    • Speaker: Dr. Uwe Dombeck
    • Info: Anmeldung über OPAL: https://mytuc.org/yghp
    • The training is about digital accessibility of websites of the TU Chemnitz. The training is aimed at all web authors who create pages at the TU Chemnitz.
    • iCal file
echo termine(array('uniteil' => '%Nationen%'), 4, array('stil' => 1'link' => 'popup'));
06.11.2024 13:30 Str. der Nationen 33, Universitätsbibliothek, IdeenReich Karl-Marx-Stadt. Architecture and urban development in an international and historical context
Conference on aspects of the history of modern architecture and urban planning in France, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, the Soviet Union and Germany, in co-operation with Chemnitz University Library and the Chemnitz Kunstsammlungen Mehr ...
07.11.2024 16:00 Str. der Nationen 62, Böttcher-Bau, 1/232 Mehr ...
Prof. Herbert Mayr, Department of Chemistry, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
13.11.2024 09:30 Str. der Nationen 62, Altes Heizhaus Informationsveranstaltung - Exportkontrolle für Projektleiter/-innen in Drittmittelprojekten
Frau Dr. Caroline Rosentritt / Herr Maximilian Schramm
Impulsvortrag zu den Themen: - Problemstellung der Exportkontrolle - betroffene Bereiche - Die 4 Säulen der Exportkontrolle - Leitfragen zur ethischen Bewertung sicherheitsrelevanter Forschung - Vorgehensweise und Prüfung Mehr ...
14.11.2024 08:00 Str. der Nationen 62, Böttcher-Bau, W040 Convergence 2024
Susan Krumdieck, Daniel Kenning
Last year Transition Days took place at the TU Chemnitz. This year a similar event will take place. The focus of this 2.5 hour event will be on the progress made by GATE in the field of Sustainable transition. Mehr ...