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URZ Workshop „Creating websites with TUCAL“
Articles from „University news“
URZ Workshop „Creating websites with TUCAL“ 

Articles from „University news“

Extension module for displaying articles from the university news

Integration of the module

In the TUCAL editor, this information is entered in the „Seiteneinstellungen (PHP)“ (page settings) text field:

page settings in the editor

Basic structure

echo uni_aktuell(array $labels, integer $quantity, integer $max_age [, array $style]);

Possible parameters

  • $labels | PHP array
    • array('label1' [,'label2', ...])
    • Labels are tags or IDs of articles, linked by OR if more than one is specified
    • Tags can be faculties/institutions or target groups, for example: 'Naturwissenschaften', 'Informatik', 'MERGE', 'Forschung', 'Studierende' ...
    • Additional label 'Englisch!' retrieves English articles
    • Article IDs can be found at the end of the URL: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/pressestelle/aktuell/12345
  • $quantity | PHP integer
    • maximum displayed news (default: 10)
  • $max_age | PHP integer
    • articles younger than n days old (default: 365)
  • $style | PHP array [optional]
    • Array of values that affect the style of the news
    • Possible entries:
      'level' (2 to 6, which heading level is needed),
      'link' ('popup' = details as pop-up, otherwise new page)


echo uni_aktuell(array('Universitätsrechenzentrum'), 2180);
echo uni_aktuell(array( 'International''Englisch!'), 4360, array('link' => 'popup'));