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University Library
University Library 


The University Library provides access to a large number of electronical journals from different providers.

You don’t need additional tools -within the Campus Network you have access to our E-Journals on every computer.

Get to know our offer. Please use our online-catalog or the Electronic Journal Library (EZB).

Online Catalog

The result list can be reduced via the filter options media type “journal, e-journal“ and access “online”. This will give you all available E-Journals. The link to full texts or to the electronic journal library will be displayed in the detail view under the section “Online”.

E-Journals in the Online Catalog

The online catalog provides a large number of licensed e-journals and freely available content from relevant Open-Access Journals. The result list can be reduced via the filter options media type “article, e-article “ and access “online”.

Please note that you can‘t find every single available article. To do that, you have to conduct a search in a suitable database for your subject.

Articles in the Online Catalog


Erläuterung der Ampelfarben und der damit verbunden Zugangsarten

The EZB (Electronic Journals Library) is a supra-regional index of electronic journals (which are available online in full text). The availability is indicated by traffic light symbols.

You can search for specific e-journals or you can access the journals via subject areas.

Electronic Journals Library (EZB)


The Directory of Open Access Journals is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals. Here, you are mostly searching the journals on article level.

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Licensed e-journals

Members of Chemnitz University of Technology have access to licensed E-Journals

External users with a valid library card can read licensed E-Journals on our computers.

Freely available E-Journals

Access to freely available E-Journals is provided via our online catalog and they can be accessed from every electronic device.

All licensed E-Journals are subject to copyright and terms of use of the publishers.

  • Access to electronic full texts is restricted to employees and students of the University as well as registered Library users (within TU Chemnitz IP range).
  • Before using E-Journals, please read the terms of use of the publisher and providers.
  • Within the copyright law, full texts can be saved and printed for study purposes and for the purpose of teaching and research.
  • Any systematic download of E-Journals or search results is not allowed (especially through robots).
  • E-Journals may not be given to third parties in electronic or printed form.


There are four E-Journals (Wirtschaftsstudium, KES, TLS, Kunststoffarchiv) where you will be asked for a user identification.

Information about...
Sabine Kuniß
Phone: 0371/531 31285