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University Library
Book talk
University Library 

Book Talk - the meeting for booklovers

Lets talk about books and social media!

At Chemnitz University Library on Friday, April 26, the focus will be on books – nothing new for us! But this time we want to talk about books on social media. Because anyone who wants to find out about books these days or is looking for like-minded people will often find them on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok. The book industry can hardly avoid social media any more. But does this change everything or perhaps not so much?
You are welcome to talk about this and of course about books in general! On April 26th 2024 starting at 5 p.m., the "Book Talk" will take place in the IdeenReich of the University Library, a meeting for all Booksta and BookTok people from all over Saxony, but also for all those who simply like to talk about books. Bring your favorite books with you, because in addition to a cozy reading corner, there will also be a book swap opportunity and book tables (for the most popular genres) to exchange ideas. There will also be something to eat and drink!

What to expect:

  • Cozy reading corner
  • Genre tables with current books that are being discussed on social media, supported by publishers such as dtv, Hanser Verlag [will be updated continuously]
  • Book swap (bring a book and take another)
  • Information boards with instructions (e.g. how-to guides for photography or writing reviews) and with great examples of Instagram posts
  • Exhibition of the BookTok-Bestseller lists and prize winners from 2023
  • Bookish snacks and cold drinks
  • #Hashtag memory game
Book Talk - a (social media) book club meeting