University News: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Technische Universität Chemnitz internationally highly appreciated
International students at TU Chemnitz award outstanding assessment results to their university within a survey implemented by the DAAD at universities throughout Germany
Pastor with Heart and Soul
Since June 2014, Dr. Christoph Herbst is the new evangelical youth pastor at TU Chemnitz
A worthy record: 100th spin-off at the TU Chemnitz
A job engine in Saxony: the start-up network SAXEED has generated more than 300 jobs since 2006 – the firm Maiwald Engineering is the most recent example of this success story
Expertise in Demand: Career Service for International Employment
Dr. Christian Genz reported about career entry for international students at the German Rector`s Conference in Bonn – appears proceeding of the first Transnational Career Service Conference
Assessment of the Universities by the Personnel Managers
TU Chemnitz is considered to be on the up in a ranking published by the magazine `WirtschaftsWoche´, especially in Computer Science and Business Information Systems
New "showcase" on the Campus
Foundation stone laid for new research hall of the Cluster of Excellence MERGE
On the way to a University-Wide (Post-)Doctoral Culture
The Research Academy and the Competence School invite to theme afternoon on June 25th 2014
"Architekturpreis Beton 2014" honors building of TU Chemnitz
Among 155 projects four winners were selected, including reconstruction of the Adolf-Ferdinand-Weinhold-Bau on Campus in Chemnitz
The new face of TU Chemnitz
The Corporate Design of TU Chemnitz was modernized – print generator, template download and in-house printing shop enable a better service in the future
Good grades for TU Chemnitz
Study Quality Monitor: students in Chemnitz praise the quality of teaching, technical equipment, service and general conditions
Funny competitions and a whole lot of music
On 20 May 2014 TU Chemnitz invites to the Campus and Sports Festival - the wide range of events under the motto "With eight disciplines around the world" ending with a party in the dining hall
TU Chemnitz scores in the CHE University Ranking 2014
University achieved top rankings in several categories - in terms of living Chemnitz is among the most favorable cities in Germany
Friendship that is worth it
Form Germany Scholarship to University Ball: Students are multilaterally supported by Society of Friends e.V. of Technische Universität Chemnitz
Applause, applause for great accomplishments
Standing ovations at the graduation ceremony on April 12, 2014 - many of the former students remembered with pleasure the time back - next Alumni Meeting is on May 30, 2015
The Chemnitz students network celebrates 20 years
From mega-, giga-, and terabytes: The student initiative CSN supplies 1,600 student residents on the TU campus with internet
As Libya`s delegation to New York
In March/April 2014 students of TU Chemnitz will participate in the world`s largest simulation of the United Nations in New York - ChemMUN in January is for the preparation
From the communication to the cooperation platform
Nine projects should make the efficiency and attractiveness of the science region Chemnitz more visible
Making materials lighter and stronger
Fundamental research with relevance for society: The Collaborative Research Centre "High-strength aluminum-based lightweight materials for safety components" receives funding for another four years
Court Festival in pre-Christmas atmosphere
With music, sweet dainties and mulled wine the TU Chemnitz celebrates together with students, graduates, friends and sponsors the Advent season on December 4th
"If you are a man of action, then do something!”
Peter Rosa is a voluntary member of the Club der Kulturen - and is actually facing the decreasing number of members as the spectrum of co-creation is as large as the spectrum of possible activities