University News: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Fingers Crossed for University's Top Athletes at the World Athletics Championships in Budapest
From August 19, 2023, multiple German champion and triple jumper Max Heß, as well as discus thrower Steven Richter from Chemnitz University of Technology, will compete against the world's athletic elite
"Communication and building mutual trust are the be-all and end-all of my work"
TUC graduate Ingo Gebhardt is the head of the smallest, at the same time youngest and first international high school in the city of Chemnitz
Chemnitz University of Technology Raises Rainbow Flags for Christopher Street Day
On the "Chemnitz Christopher Street Day 2023", Chemnitz University of Technology raises the rainbow flag on all its flagpoles, once again making a statement for tolerance, diversity, and openness to the world
"Pour one for others too!"
New water tank on the Reichenhainer Straße campus enables tree pit greening - anyone who would like to help with watering is welcome to get involved
More time left for learning during the examination period
During the period from July 16 to August 12, 2023, the University Library opens each day from 9 am until midnight
TUCsommernacht in a Special Atmosphere
About 1,800 guests, including students from other cities, experienced a sociable evening with hot rhythms in the courtyard of the Böttcher-Bau of the university
Across Seasonal Schools 2023 open for application now
Chemnitz University of Technology Invites You to TUCsommernacht
The 4th TUCsommernacht entices with dance music, cool beats, and good mood under the open sky on July 1, 2023
„1.000 days of University Library“ – a nice reason for celebration
The University Library of Chemnitz University of Technology celebrates on June 28, 2023 – this means 1.000 days after its move to the “Old Spinning Mill” – this jubilee together with its neighbors and invites all staff members and students of Chemnitz University of Technology as well as the general public to join
Meeting Complex Challenges with Diversity
For the first Diversity Day at Chemnitz University of Technology, representatives engaged in conversations with students and staff – Over 200 ideas and suggestions for future diversity design were contributed by those interested
Motivated and Committed to Becoming a Fairtrade University
A steering group has been formed at Chemnitz University of Technology that coordinates activities around fair trade on the way to becoming a Fairtrade University and beyond
Experience Fascinating Research at the Long Night of Science
On June 3, 2023, numerous highlights from the field of science draw visitors to Chemnitz University of Technology – Premiere for the Chemnitz Lecture Hall Slam
Chemnitz University of Technology Scores Multiple Times in CHE Ranking 2023/2024
The University excels in the currently ranked subjects of Business Administration, Economics, Business Sciences, Business Administration and Engineering, and Business Information Systems
Vice Presidents Elected by the Senate of Chemnitz University of Technology
Senate of Chemnitz University of Technology elected Prof. Dr. Anja Strobel as Prorector and confirmed Prof. Dr. Uwe Götze and Prof. Dr. Maximilian Eibl in office
Chemnitz University of Technology Signs Charter of Diversity
Chemnitz University of Technology focuses on a scientific and working culture that enables equal opportunities for all members and affiliates of the university and supports them in developing their individual talents and potentials
Authentic Videos Bring Chemnitz University of Technology Study Programs and Study Location to Life
In the new season of Chemnitz University of Technology's video campaign, ten study programs or study areas are presented in a multifaceted way – two additional videos provide insights into life in Chemnitz and show how to achieve the perfect start to university studies
Challenges of Human Encounters With Autonomous Technologies in Everyday Life Discussed
Under the leadership of the Collaborative Research Center Hybrid Societies of Chemnitz University of Technology, 130 international researchers discussed specific requirements for human-machine interaction
Central Course Guidance Service at Chemnitz University of Technology Expands Its Guidance Services
In addition to individual guidance sessions, the service hotline and information on the Internet, the student advising team will in future also offer workshops in various formats and on-campus student advising
Information on the One-Time Payment of an Energy Price Allowance for Students
Application for the one-time payment of 200 euros is possible for enrolled students and enrolled doctoral candidates with permanent residence or habitual residence in the Federal Republic of Germany as of 15 March 2023
Visiting Scholar Program of Chemnitz University of Technology Enables Intensification of International Research Cooperations
Two international guest researchers are currently conducting research at Chemnitz University of Technology as part of the Visiting Scholar Program - applications for the next round of the program are open until March 24, 2023