„1.000 days of University Library“ – a nice reason for celebration
The University Library of Chemnitz University of Technology celebrates on June 28, 2023 – this means 1.000 days after its move to the “Old Spinning Mill” – this jubilee together with its neighbors and invites all staff members and students of Chemnitz University of Technology as well as the general public to join
The listed industrial building of the “Old Spiinning Mill” at Straße der Nationen 33 at Chemnitz was reconstructed with a lot of attention to details to the new University Library of Chemnitz University of Technology. Since October 1, 2020 it shines in new splendor. The Free State of Saxony invested about 53 million Euro, thereof around 13.6 million Euro of funding from the European Union deriving from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Photo: Jacob Müller
Subsequent to the pandemic-related “silent move” of the University Library of Chemnitz University of Technology to its new building and the opening on October 1, 2020, on June 28, 2023 – meaning exactly 1.000 days later – the great celebration happens. The University Library takes the opportunity of its 1.000-days-jubilee at its new location at the “Old Spinning Mill” to invite not only the members and adherents of Chemnitz University of Technology but also all citizens of Chemnitz and beyond to join. The celebration is supported by the new neighbors: Thus, the Chemnitz Arts Collections as well as the culture and arts center “Weltecho” contribute offers to the program. Partners from the Brühl nearby will take care for creature comfort and contribute offers for children.
From 2 pm on, a broad program including trips through time and books for take-away via an exhibition, an “interactive Magic Book” and “Rare University Library Treasures” up to a wheel of fortune and a library quiz, where prizes may be gained, attends the visitors. In addition, every hour within the period from 4 pm to 7 pm guided tours through the new Library building are offered. The background music is provided from 5 pm on by the Stollberg City Band and from 7 pm on by the band “Solche”.
However, the event offers are not limited to the University Library building. In fact, also the neighboring Chemnitz Arts Collections participate. In case of interest, from 2 pm on visitors may take part at a rally between the University Library and the Arts Collections. In the building of the Arts Collections may for instance images being puzzled, own artworks being stamped as well as new things from leftover wallpaper being created. Furthermore, there is offered the opportunity to join guided tours as well through current exhibitions every hour within the period from 3 pm to 7 pm. The event offers of the University Library as well as of Chemnitz Arts Collections are free of costs.
After the end of the celebration events at 9 pm, the ones who want may continue the evening in the “Weltecho” with cool drinks and music by changing DJs and from 11 pm on may dance into the new day during the “Wednesday Party”.
For the entire event program please visit the “1.000 days”-website of the University Library (https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/ub/aktuell/1000tage.html). As it will be continuously updated, it is worth a look at it from time to time.
(Translation: Dr. Wolfgang Lambrecht)
Mario Steinebach
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