Across Seasonal Schools 2023 open for application now
Graphic: Across – European University for Cross-Border Knwoledge Sharing -
Across is an exceptional collaboration project of ten European universities. Graphic: Across – European University for Cross-Border Knwoledge Sharing
The first round of applications for this year's "Across Seasonal Schools" for students and doctoral candidates of the Across Alliance has started. A total of four interdisciplinary Seasonal Schools will take place at Chemnitz University of Technology in Germany. The focal points range from (computer) science to communication and linguistics. The Seasonal Schools in Chemnitz offers a great opportunity to get in touch with international students and researchers a well to strengthen the personal networks and develop new ideas and vision for own projects.
The Seasonal Schools include:
- Bridging gaps: Formal, computational and experimental approaches in linguistics
July 31 to August 4
Organized by the University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia) in cooperation with University of Udine (Italy), University of Craiova (Romania) and Chemnitz University of Technology
- Cultural Intelligence, creativity and transnational mediation in the age of AI August 28 to September 2
Organized by the Ivan Franko National University Lviv (Ukraine), in cooperation with University of Girona (Spain) and Chemnitz University of Technology
- Humans & Technology - Technology for the Good
September 25 to 29
Organized by Chemnitz University of Technology in cooperation with the Universities of Girona and Lleida (Spain) and the University of Udine (Italy)
- Renewable borders: The energy landscape on the Spanish-French and Slovenian-Italian frontiers
October 23 to 27
Organized by the University of Girona in cooperation with the University of Bialystok (Poland) and Chemnitz University of Technology
About: Across Seasonal Schools
Since 2021, the Across Alliance has supported four summer schools with more than 100 students from more than 25 countries who came to Chemnitz University of Technology to take part in this international, immersive learning experience and to get to know the university as well as Chemnitz and the region. More Information on Calls, Programs and Deadlines, please check:
More information on Across - The European University for Cross-Border Knowledge Sharing can be found here:
Background: „Across – The European University for Cross-Border Knowledge Sharing “
Across is an exceptional collaboration project of ten European universities driven by the mission to establish an integrated cross-border European University. All partners are passionate about the idea to create a joint European higher education area:
- Bialystok University of Technology (Poland)
- Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany)
- University of Craiova (Romania)
- University of Girona (Spain/Catalonia)
- University of Lleida (Spain/Catalonia)
- University of Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
- University of Perpignan (France)
- Rēzekne Academy of Technologies (Latvia)
- University of Ruse (Bulgaria)
- University of Udine (Italia)
- Ivan Frank National University of Lviv, (Associated Partner in Ukraine)
All universities participating in Across have in common their location in border regions. In regions close to the border, there is a significantly increased need for mobility for an overlapping education area and labor market, which, however, is confronted with inequalities in the legal, social and educational systems as well as cultural and language barriers. At the same time these so-called cross-border regions of the European Union comprise nearly 40 percent of the EU's land area, population and gross domestic product. The regional areas of tension are thus becoming key challenges for the European Union. Under the motto "building collaborative leadership for cross-border territories", the goal of Across is to overcome these borders and form a common European educational space with more than 100.000 students and 10.000 employees. In doing so, Across will serve as a model for other cross-border regions in Europe and beyond.
Questions and suggestions on Across are gladly accepted by Ariane Korn, Project Coordinator, Phone: +49 371 531-36465, Email
(Author: Ariane Korn)
Matthias Fejes