University News: Forschung
Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt from Chemnitz University of Technology Has Been once again Honored as One of the Most Cited Researchers in the World
The researcher and Scientific Director of Research Center MAIN at Chemnitz University of Technology is among the top-1-percent of the most cited scientists listed in the exclusive ISI “Highly Cited Researchers” 2024 ranking
Innovative and Sustainable Semiconductor Fabrication Processes are the Common Goal
The center for micro- and nanotechnologies (ZfM) at Chemnitz University of Technology takes the lead in the European collaborative project HaloFreeEtch, funded with almost four million Euro by the EU.
“I, Expert” Conference: Advancing Media Competence in Science through Linguistics
The conference on the language of science communication strengthened the academic dialogue between the TU Chemnitz and the University of Zaragoza as part of a DAAD project of the Chair of English and Digital Linguistics
Reflecting on an Open Science Culture
On the occasion of the “International Open Access Week 2024”, Chemnitz University Library invites for discussion at the end of October – for the first time, the “Open Access Award” will be accorded in different categories
From “Ötzi” to “Hauna” and “Haunwin”
German linguist and archaeologists develop a system to produce unique names for Stone Age skeletons and mummies
“Tamed” Molecules for More Sustainable Catalysts
New perspectives for the development of catalysis: Chemnitz University of Technology's Chair of Inorganic Chemistry has succeeded in synthesizing a spectacular gallium compound in the laboratory
Data-Boost for New Catalysts and Chemical Reactions
A Europe-wide network enables graduate education in modern data-driven methods for the development of catalytic reactions – Chemnitz University of Technology coordinates the network
“ERC Starting Grant” for TU Chemnitz: Political Scientist Receives one of the Most Prestigious EU Grants for Cutting-edge Research
Assistant Professor Arndt Leininger, who holds the assistant professorship in Political Science Research Methods, wants to study the influence of residential mobility on political attitudes in society and will receive 1.44 million euros for this purpose
‘WordValue’ Turns Texts into Rainbows
Linguist from Chemnitz University of Technology and computer science graduate from LMU Munich have developed a free web application that enables colourful, intuitive text analyses for research, for teaching or just for fun
Award for Outstanding Achievements within the Enhancement of Open Access
The initiative „Open Library Badge“, in which also Chemnitz University Library is engaged, was honored with the first-time-awarded „Open Access Enter Award“ in the category „cooperation“
Chemnitz University of Technology Becomes a European University
University alliance "Across - The European University for Cross-Border Knowledge Sharing" of ten universities from ten countries is funded by the European Union with 14.4 million euros - Chemnitz University of Technology is consortium leader
For Clear and Credible Science Communication
DAAD project at Chemnitz University of Technology and the University of Zaragoza researches the language of science communication to improve media competence
Join us at the IEEE ISCSET 2024: A Premier Platform for Innovation and Collaboration
The 13th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Science and Educational Technology will take place from July 17th to 19th at the IBS Foundation in Lauta/Laubusch
From autonomous robots to intelligent systems
17th edition of the IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments will be held at Chemnitz University of Technology on 20-21 June, 2024
Giving Holocaust Survivors a Digital Voice in the World
Researchers at TU Chemnitz and LMU Munich have developed a chatbot that can be used to learn more about the Holocaust – the interactive online testimony of Abba Naor enables users to have individual digital conversations with a Holocaust survivor in English
Chemnitz Physicists Travel to the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
A celebration of scientific exchange: young scientists Maria Saladina and Fabian Samad will meet Physics Nobel Laureates in Lindau from June 30, 2024 onwards, and have the opportunity to network with other young scientists from around the world
Europe-wide unique pilot project for a greenhouse gas-neutral circular economy is underway in Lusatia
The three Universities of Technology in Chemnitz, Dresden and Freiberg and the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences signed the cooperation agreement for the joint establishment of the "Green Circular Economy" (CircEcon) research campus, which will receive over EUR 108M in funding
Well-known expert on meta-analyses joins Chemnitz University of Technology for research stay.
Prof. Tom Stanley (Deakin Business School, Australia) will hold the Commerzbank Endowed Professorship at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration from April 8 to 29, 2024 - Public lecture April 16th, 2024
Insights into Contemporary Indian English Literature
New textbook on authors who have contributed to the development of Indian English literature over the last fifty years
ISINA 2024: Exchange and networking across disciplines
Great interest in the Interdisciplinary Symposium for Women in STEM (ISINA), which focused on networking and cooperation between science and practice