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Glocal post-socialist and post-colonial transformations (focus on urban spaces)

Research focus glocal post-socialist and post-colonial transformations (focus on urban spaces)

Human geographical perspectives focus on spatial and spatio-temporal contexts (space and place). Social transformations are examined in terms of their local and regional specificities in the global. Localization and globalization processes are understood as being closely linked (glocalization). At the chair, post-socialist and post-colonial transformation processes in urban contexts are particularly examined and empirically investigated on different scales (e.g. Chemnitz, Saxony, East Germany, South and East Central Europe, globally, etc.). In the context of these processes, aspects of social or group-related inequalities are also taken into account and examined in their historical development. Further transformation processes, which are dealt with in teaching at the chair, are e.g. discourses on sustainability, (post-)growth and development.

The following projects deepen the research field: