Research interests of the Chair of Human Geography with a focus on European Migration Studies
The team of the Chair of Human Geography with a focus on European Migration Studies conducts research on current and socially relevant topics in the field of migration, integration and social participation as well as urban and regional development. We work on the basis of critical and reflexive approaches to migration research, postcolonial theory and social geography. Methodologically, we focus on qualitative research methods with participatory elements, such as expert interviews, narrative interviews, focus group discussions, walking interviews, site visits, observation. In addition, we also use representative surveys, archival studies and discourse-analytical methods. In research communications we use all classical forms such as journal articles, monographs, working papers and lectures, but also work intensively with high-profile formats such as interviews, public lectures and media contributions, blog articles. In perspective, we also want to engage in methods of Citizen Science and participatory methods of knowledge generation and representation.
The following research fields are currently being worked on at the professorship (as of January 2025):
- Migration, Flight and Arrival
- Encounter and Negotiation
- Regional and Social Transformations (focus on rural regions)
- Glocal post-socialist and post-colonial transformations (focus on urban spaces)
Research Projects
Current research projects
Innovating to Enhance Dialogues on Migration Policies and Practices (INNOVATE) (Horizon2020)
Teaching research projects & webblog „Umkämpfte Geographien“ (German)
Phd project: „Chemnitz postkolonial - Fragmente nicht erzählter Geschichte(n)“ (Stephan Schurig)
Phd project: „Migration als Arena der Aushandlung in ländlichen Kommunen“ (Hanne Schneider)
Buchprojekt „Nach der Flucht: Ankunft und Annäherung aus sozialgeographischer Perspektive“ (Birgit Glorius)
Recently completed projects
- WholeCOMM: Exploring the Integration of Post-2014-Migrants in Small and Medium-Sized Towns and Rural Areas from a Whole of Community Perspective (Horizon2020) (2021-2024)
- Book project: Handbuch Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung (Birgit Glorius)
- "Future for refugees in rural areas of Germany" (Bundesprogramm Ländliche Entwicklung) (2018-2021)
- 4th conference of German Network for Forced Migration Studies Netzwerks Fluchtforschung e.V. (28.-30. September 2022)