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Professorship Forming Technology
Head of Professorship

Head of Professorship | 01.04.2000 - 30.09.2023

Photo Prof. Dr. Birgit Awiszus

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dipl.-Math. Birgit Awiszus

Head of Professorship
+49 371 531-34720
+49 371 531-
Reichenhainer Straße 70, Rühlmann-Bau, D-Bau, C24.011 (alt: 2/D011)

Curriculum Vitae

Scientific Career

since 2000

Full Professor of the Professorship Virtual Production Engineering (former Production Engineering/Metal Forming) at the Chemnitz University of Technology

1995 - 1999

DFG Research Fellowship for habilitation at the IFUM, University of Hannover, area "Production Informatics"
Topic: "Integrated product and process modeling of planing processes in forming technology"

1990 - 1994

Managing Director of the IPH - Institute for Integrated Production Hannover gGmbH


PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the Institute of Forming Technology and Machines, University of Hannover
Topic: "Method for the computer aided design of forging tools"

1984 - 1989

Scientific Research Assistant, Institute of Forming Technology and Machines, Leibnitz University of Hannover, DFG Collaborative Research Centre 300 " Tools and tooling systems for metal processing"

1978 - 1984

Diploma in Mathematics (with subsidiary subject Computer science), Leibniz University of Hannover
(Degree: Dipl.-Math.)

Memberships and Review activities

since 2022

Member of the Excellence Commission of the Excellence Strategy of the DFG and WR (Wissenschaftlicher Rat - German Science and Humanities Council)

since 2018

Member of the panel of experts of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) of the DFG

2018 - 2020

Member of the Committee on Scientific Instrumentation and Information Technology of the DFG

2017 - 2018

Member of the advisory board of the IUNO consortium, a national reference project on IT security in Industry 4.0

2016 - 2018

Chairperson and since 2001 Member of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Umformtechnik (AGU)"

2015 - 2021

Board member of the "Forschungsvereinigung Smart Engineering e.V."

since 2015

Member of the "Forschungsvereinigung Smart Engineering e.V."

2013 - 2019

Member of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Chemnitz University of Technology

2013 - 2018

Chairperson and since 2012 Member of the Commission on IT Infrastructure of the DFG

2012 - 2020

Member of the Review Board 401 "Production Technology" of the DFG

2012 - 2017

Principal Investigator and Network Leader of the Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE

since 2011

Member of the Scientific Committee of the "Int. Conference on Technology of Plasticity"

since 2009

Member of the ZEvA Commission (formerly: permanent Accreditation Commission (SAK)) of the ZEvA Hannover

2006 - 2017

Member and Research Group Leader of the SFB 692 of the DFG "High-strength Aluminum-based Lightweight materials for Safety components"

since 2003

Member of different Review Groups for SFB, SPP and Research Units of the DFG

since 2003

Reviewer for international Research Funding Institutions: BMW_F (Austria), GAČR (Czech Republic), RC (Norway)

since 2003

Chairperson of the PhD and Habilitation Committee of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Chemnitz University of Technology

since 2001

Board member of the association "Umformtechnik Sachsen e.V."

Scientific Achievements & Recognitions


"Scientific Publication Award 2015" of the Simufact Engineering GmbH for particularly practical scientific publications on research and development projects


"Best Paper Award" of the 11th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity for the paper: "Steel-aluminum Knurled Interference Fits: Joining Process and Load Characteristics", Nagoya, Japan


"Scientific Award" of the Simufact Engineering GmbH for excellent collaboration and exemplary technology transfer


Commemorative Medal of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic


Book Award for a PhD with honors of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hannover