International Cooperations
We cooperate closely with our international partners in various projects:
- Exchange of lecturers
- Exchange of students
- Projects in sheet metal / bulk forming, process combinations and material characterization
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bohuslav Mašek

Prof. Dr. Yupiter HP Manurung

Director of Smart Manufacturing Research Institute
Head of Research Interest Group: Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
The Professorship Virtual Production Engineering is involved in various associations on the following topics:
- Mechanical Engineering and Forming
- Product Data Management
- Smart Engineering and Industry 4.0
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Umformtechnik (AGU)

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Umformtechnik (AGU) is an association of German forming technology chairs and institutes of various universities and technical colleges. The aim of the AGU is the further development of the forming technology with the main focus: Technology (incl. design), tools, machine tools and their environment, process design and simulation, and business organization. It is pursued in national and international cooperation through research and development as well as through technology transfer to and in cooperation with industry.
Forschungsvereinigung Smart Engineering e.V. (FVSE)
The research association "Forschungsvereinigung Smart Engineering e.V." is an association for the support of science, research and education in the field of smart engineering. The association supports the development of smart products and processes throughout the entire product life cycle to enable a continuous digital added value.
prostep ivip Verein
The prostep ivip is a leading global independent network of participants from industry, IT, and research. This industry Association is focused on the digital transformation in product development and production. As a driving force behind the digital transformation in the manufacturing industry, prostep ivip focuses and coordinates the requirements of manufacturers and suppliers. The goal is to define standards and interfaces, especially for the digitization of the entire product creation process - from idea to implementation.
Verein für Umformtechnik Sachsen e.V.
The purpose of the association UMFORMTECHNIK Sachsen e.V. is to promote science and research in the field of forming technology. The aim of the association is to strengthen the exchange of knowledge and experience as well as the international cooperation between university and non-university research institutions and companies. In addition to organizing specialist events and continuing education, one of the main tasks of the association is the promotion of young scientists.