Machine Equipment
- High-performance spinning machine LEIFELD SC 310 S
- Double column eccentric press PED 100.3-S4
- Duo reversing mill 700 kN
- Hydraulic double column press PYZ 100 S.3
- Hydraulic single column press PYE 160
- Universal spinning machine UD 320 CNC-645
- Single column eccentric press PEEV
- Rotary swaging machine by HMP
- Tension compression torsion testing system ZDTe 30
- Tension compression testing machine GALDABINI QUASAR 50kN
- Building material testing press DrMB 200
- Universal c-clamp stand press for clinching, punch riveting, stamping, force fitting and embossing DFG 500/150E
- CNC milling machine Mikron WF31D
- Center lathe machine IK62
- Constant climate chamber HPP 110
- Forced convection chamber furnace NABERTHERM N60/85SHA with protective gas (Tmax = 850°C)
- Chamber furnace type HK 70.27 (working tempereature: 1300°C)
- ALMEMO® 809 Data logger with function for multi-point calibration
- Kern moisture analyser DLB 160-3A
- Medium frequency converter MFG - 10/30
- Bench drilling machine WMW Heckert BT 12/1
- Proxxon table saw FET
- Optical 3D deformation analysis system "ARGUS"
- Electrolytic marking system Östling EU Classic 300
- ALMEMO® 2890-9 - precision measuring instrument with data logger function
FEM (Finite-Elemente-Methode)
- AutoForm
- AutoForm Forming
- AutoForm TubeXpert
- JMatPro
- MD FEA Bundle
- MSC Digimat
- MSC Marc
- MSC Mentat
- Simufact
- Simufact Additive
- Simufact Forming
- Simufact Welding
- MatILDa
CAD (Computer-Aided Design)
- 3D-Tool
- Autodesk AutoCAD
- Autodesk Inventor Pro
- PTC Creo Elements
- Siemens NX
PDM (Product Data Management)
- Siemens Teamcenter
BPM (Business Process Management)
- ARIS Architect & Designer
- DELL Precision Workstation R7920
- DELL Precision Workstations T5820
- DELL Precision Workstations T5810
- Computerpool zur studentischen Ausbildung mit 16 FEM/CAD Workstations
- RAID Systeme mit insgesamt 50,7 TB
- alphadidact® DVI - Multimedia-Schulungssystem mit digitaler Bildübertragung