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Career Service
Career Service 

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Applying in Germany

Working in Germany

Visa and residence permit

Fachinformationszentrum Zuwanderung Chemnitz

The FACHINFORMATIONSZENTRUM ZUWANDERUNG | EXPERT INFORMATION CENTER IMMIGRATION is the central contact point for questions concerning the immigration into the German labour market. Having the overall process in mind, the FACHINFORMATIONSZENTRUM ZUWANDERUNG provides information on questions of residence permit and work permit, on the recognition of vocational and academic qualifications as well as on qualification and further education. Courses of action are shown, necessary steps are defined, and suitable contact persons are identified. The offer is directed at immigrants from the European Union and third countries as well as at employers and labour market actors and counselling services .


Antje Pfeifer | E-Mail:
Shahrukh Belem | E-Mail:
Telefon: 0371 5202 7174