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Career Service
Dispatch of application documents
Career Service 

Dispatch of application documents

Are you looking for an internship, a full-time or a part-time job or a trainee position? Then you’ve come to the right place. We are in close contact with a variety of companies and employers. We offer students, graduated and employees of TUC the transfer of their application documents to our partner companies. They consider the documents received as unsolicited applications or recommendations.

Does that sound interesting so far? The following things are necessary for forwarding your documents:

  1. Application documents - the good news: We don’t need a cover sheet or a cover letter (if it is necessary later, the company will inform you). However, your CV should meet certain standards (both in content and appearance). In addition to an application photo, this includes, above all, that you consistently follow through with your chosen design. This means uniformity in spacing, hyphens, font sizes as well as the use of a font without a serif. If you checked your application documents with us before all of this should be fine – otherwise there might be a few changed necessary at this point.
  2. Appendices should be grouped (1. Transcript of records / certificate, 2. Work reports / assessments, 3. Other certificates) and sorted anti-chronologically within these categories (the newest one always comes first). Also make sure you have good scan quality in terms of alignment of the individual pages and contrast. Finally, check again that the format of all pages is A4 portrait format.
  3. One file: Summarize the individual documents in the above order into a PDF-file. Ideally, the entire document should not exceed 5MB in size.
  4. Since there is no letter in which you specify the framework conditions, we will pass them on for you and therefore we need to know:
    • What kind of activity are you aiming for? (job, internship)
    • What’s your earliest possible starting date?
    • If you are looking for an internship: How long should it last? (Also write to us if you would like to write a thesis at the company afterwards.)
    • In which business areas do you want to be employed?
    • And – very importantly – which companies are you interested in? Please take a look at the list of our partner companies and tell us your preferred companies. Attention: A few of the companies listed do not wish to receive applications from the Career Service. If you have such companies on your wish list, we will give you a name and you can apply yourself via an application portal. Of course, you can apply yourself at any time to any of the companies listed there.
  5. If this has not yet happened, you must of course allow us to forward your application documents.

Please note that forwarding your application documents is only an additional offer: it may work but we cannot guarantee it. Therefore, you should definitely apply on your own as well.

If this is of interest to you, simply send an e-mail to cs-beratung@tu-chemnitz.de