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Centre for Junior Scientists
Brown Bag Break
Centre for Junior Scientists 

Brown Bag Break

In order to offer junior scientists at Chemnitz University of Technology the opportunity to exchange ideas and to network in an interdisciplinary manner, the Centre for Junior Scientists introduced a new type of event – the Brown Bag Break.

This format allows junior scientists to use their lunch break to inform themselves about research projects, recent developments and new findings at other institutes and faculties.

The following events have taken place so far:

  • April 10, 2019 | Aline Lohse (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Professorship of Ergonomics and Innovation Management) | „Vereinbarkeit nutzerzentriert gestalten – Technologiebasierte Innovationen in der Arbeitswissenschaft“

  • December 3, 2020 | Anja Herrmann-Fankhänel (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Professorship for Innovation Research and Technology Management) | „What did we need the "Sharing Economy" for?“

  • June 10, 2021 | Philip Adebahr (Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, Professorship in Sociology with Specialization in Health Research) | „Meine Schwiegermutter macht mich krank – Negative Beziehungsaspekte und subjektive Gesundheit“

  • April 6, 2022 | Dr. Karoline Griesbach (former Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute of Physics) | Von der Promotion zur Firmengründung: „Firmengründung nach der Promotion – Warum ich mich gegen eine Karriere in der Industrie entschieden habe"

  • May 25, 2023 | Dr. David Müller (Faculty of Mathematics, Professorship Wirtschaftsmathematik) | "Promotion über Entscheidungsfindung - Wie ich mich selbst in meinem Forschungsthema wiederfand"

Next event:

  • September 24, 2024 | Melina Maurer (Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, Fachdidaktik Kunst) & Dr. Tobias Schlosser (Faculty of Computer Science, Juniorprofessorship Media Computing) | "Promovieren an der TU Chemnitz: Zwei Promotionen zwischen Kunstdidaktik und Künstlicher Intelligenz"
    You are welcome to register here for the current event.

It is planned to continue this type of event. So, if you are convinced that your topic is relevant for other faculties and junior scientists, if you like to present in front of a group and if you want to network interdisciplinary, please contact us: