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Code of good scientific practice

Code of conduct for assurance of good scientific practice at TU Chemnitz

The Ombudsperson consults members and adherents of Technische Universität Chemnitz in issues regarding scientific misconduct. The Ombudsperson examines the accusations for plausibility and severity, for possible motives and for opportunities to resolve them. The Ombudsperson is engaging for a conclusion of the proceeding by mutual agreement.


  • Prof. Dr. Frank Asbrock (Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences | Professorship of Social Psychology)

Deputy Ombudsperson

Members of the Committee for the Assurance of Good Scientific Conduct
Term of office from 01.02.2021 to 31.01.2024


  • Prof. Dr. Anja Strobel (Vice President for Research and University Developement)

Group of professors

  • Prof. Dr. Dagmar Gesmann-Nuißl (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration)
  • Prof. Dr. Guntram Wagner (Faculty of Mathematics)

Group of scientific assistants

Group of students

  • Franz Haase (student association Faculty of Humanities)
    Email: (Term of office from 01.02.2025 to 31.01.2026)
  • Corinne Kreyer (Administration Academic and Legal Affairs)
  • Olivia Neumann (Assistant (specialized in Research and Junior Researchers) at the President's Office)