Core Competencies of the Chemnitz University of Technology
Chemnitz University of Technology sees itself as a driver of innovation in dealing with the important problems of tomorrow. Against the backdrop of global changes and new demographics, there is a need for comprehensive solutions that are sustainable, interdisciplinary and beneficial to our society. For this purpose, Chemnitz University of Technology has defined the three core competencies in research and teaching as follows: Materials and Smart Systems, Resource-efficient Production and Lightweight Structures, and Humans and Technology.
These core competencies are supported by working groups that exist in a self-organized, grassroots democratic form and actively participate in shaping the research landscape at Chemnitz University of Technology. Tasks of these working groups are, among others, the visualization and strengthening of core competencies, mutual information, networking and cooperation as well as joint initiatives in the form of project plans, especially in the area of research, but also in the areas of teaching and transfer.
The hallmark of the university's profile in research is the interdisciplinary open and constructive dialogue with special commitment to and responsibility for the promotion of young scientists.